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Omdia: Rise and fall, semiconductor market is slowing down

Time:2022-09-26 Views:1709
    Omdia‘s Competitive Landscape Tracker report shows that in the second quarter of 2022, the semiconductor market revenue will decline for the first time, with further weak growth. The semiconductor market revenue in the second quarter of 2022 was US $158.1 billion, down 1.9% from US $161.2 billion in the first quarter of 2022. Prior to this, the semiconductor industry has grown for eight consecutive quarters, with the longest continuous growth in history.

Total semiconductor revenue sequential growth
Multiple factors jointly drag down Q2 market
    Cliff Leimbach, senior research analyst of Omdia, said: "The semiconductor market revenue decline in the second quarter of 2022, making it the third last quarter of the performance of Omdia in the second quarter since tracking the market for 20 years. Before the quarterly revenue decline, home work, online classes, etc." "The demand has seen unprecedented growth. Considering the periodicity of the semiconductor market, we expect that the semiconductor market will return to normal after the rest of 2022 and the first half of 2023."
    One of the factors causing the current semiconductor market decline is Intel‘s performance in the second quarter of 2022, and the company‘s microprocessor (MPU) business fell 13% in the first quarter. The scale of MPU market accounts for more than 10% of the whole semiconductor market, so the sharp decline of the market has dragged down the performance of the overall market.
    In addition, affected by the strengthening of the US dollar exchange rate in the second quarter of 2022, companies reporting revenue in other currencies experienced a decline in revenue when converting data into US dollars. Some non US companies experienced an increase in quarterly revenue in local currency, but a negative increase in dollar terms. All these factors together have a downward impact on the total revenue of the semiconductor market in US dollars.

Some of the top 10 manufacturers are happy while others are worried
    Among the top ten semiconductor companies, Intel and Nvidia reduced their revenue by 3.7 billion dollars in the second quarter of 2022; This is caused by the weak consumer demand and the reduction of inventory level of OEM manufacturers in the uncertain future. In addition to these two companies, Qualcomm was the only one among the top ten semiconductor companies whose revenue declined in the second quarter, while the revenue of other companies increased in the same quarter.
    For the memory market, there was a slight increase in the second quarter, slightly higher than 1%. As the world‘s largest DRAM and NAND manufacturer, Samsung has been able to firmly sit on the throne of the semiconductor company with the highest revenue under the combined force of memory market growth and Intel‘s declining performance.
Top 10 Market Share

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