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ByteDance confirmation self-developed chip: used for video recommendation, not involving general chips such as CPU and GPU

Time:2022-07-23 Views:1933
Source: interface news
    On July 20, Yang Zhenyuan, vice president of ByteDance, confirmed in a media interview at the "2022 volcanic engine powertrain conference" that ByteDance was developing its own chip business, mainly for its own video recommendation business. The R & D team will customize and optimize hardware for the special scenarios of ByteDance large-scale video recommendation services, such as video codec, cloud reasoning acceleration, etc., in order to improve performance and reduce costs.
    Yang Zhenyuan said that at present, ByteDance has no business plan for general chips such as CPU and GPU. It mainly purchases x86 chips, and also explores the use of RISC architecture chips in the cloud with chip suppliers.
     In addition, volcano engine also released a new slogan "new driving force for cloud growth", and launched a series of product solutions based on cloud, including general solutions for Enterprise Cloud and intelligent marketing, as well as cloud growth solutions covering six industries: finance, automobile, consumption, entertainment, medical treatment, and communication media. It is reported that it has served leading customers in China UnionPay, SAIC, State Grid, Xiaomi, Haier, Midea and other industries.
    Turning to the issue of profitability, Yang Zhenyuan told interface news that he would not consider it for the time being, but he has made some internal plans and calculations, and the profitability is still a long-term thing. "The goal of volcanic engine at present is to make products and services better and lay a better foundation for sustainable future development."

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