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Gexin CEO: Before the end of the year, there are plans to increase production and investment but not to set up factories in France

Time:2022-06-26 Views:2034
    According to the Nikkei Asia review, as the chip shortage has not been alleviated, Tom Caulfield, CEO of the wafer foundry, said that he would decide to invest in Singapore, New York or Germany before the end of this year. At the same time, he also denied the reports about the cooperation between lattice core and Italian French semiconductor and the establishment of factories in France.

    Over the past few years, lattice core has been investing heavily to increase the capacity of all three manufacturing bases. Caulfield said that the company would "continue to pursue capacity to meet demand" in the "next 5 to 10 years", and stressed that it was willing to make additional investment in any of the three existing sites.
  At the same time, Caulfield said, "it is difficult for us to consider establishing manufacturing facilities in other places". He also denied reports that the company was considering cooperating with Italian French semiconductor to establish a factory in France.

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