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It is said that TSMC will increase the price of new film input to customers, and it will increase again next year

Time:2022-06-16 Views:2059

Source: Economic Daily

    On June 14, it was reported that TSMC would increase its wafer foundry quotation by 5-8% in January next year. Recently, it was reported in the industry that TSMC had recently notified IC design customers who wanted to increase the chip quantity to make up the inventory. The incremental part of this year would be increased by 10%. If there were new chip quantity beyond the basic quota next year, not only the new quotation after the increase would be applicable to the basic quota, but also the price of the new chip quantity would be increased by 20%.

    TSMC said that it would not comment on the price issue in response to the rumor that "customers‘ incremental film investment needs to be increased".

    At the recent TSMC shareholders‘ meeting, regarding the news of the overall price increase in January next year, TSMC chairman liudeyin stressed that "this year‘s production capacity is still very full", and said that the pricing strategy has been well communicated with customers. The strategy is not determined by the actions of other competitors, but depends on whether the strategy is the immediate response of the market. It provides considerable value to help customers succeed. Of course, it also gets good returns. Liu Deyin expects TSMC‘s performance this year to grow by 30% year-on-year.

    Taiwan media said that TSMC is not afraid of market noise. After the price increase of the whole series of manufacturing processes next year, this year and next year, TSMC started the "increase in the price of films", highlighting TSMC‘s strong competitiveness and voice. Customers can only "pay the bill", which also gives TSMC more reassurance in the future.

    It is understood that although the demand for mature process chips such as drive ICs has weakened at this stage, the supply gap in the automotive, server and some power management IC markets is still large. Taking advantage of the ups and downs of the market, many relevant IC design manufacturers have negotiated with TSMC to increase the amount of chips to supplement the normal inventory and meet customer demand. However, TSMC‘s previous price fluctuations were relatively small, and some process quotations were even lower than those of other peers, This also allows TSMC to take advantage of the potential to review the quotation strategy and make reasonable adjustments.

    Some IC Design executives believe that this represents that the industry‘s demand for TSMC‘s capacity will remain strong next year, leaving TSMC with room to adjust its product and customer portfolio through price increases. At the same time, this should also be because the quotations of other wafer foundries have risen too sharply before. As a result, TSMC, as a leader, has better yield, delivery time and production quality. On the contrary, the quotations are still lower than those of its peers, so it has been adjusted. Next, if the tight supply and demand situation of other wafer foundries is relieved and the quotation is loose, the quotation of TSMC will return to the situation of higher quotation.

    It is also in the field of wafer foundry, but the quotation trend of non first-line wafer foundry in the future may be different. The IC design factory pointed out that the capacity shortage of some second-line foundries may begin to loosen from the third quarter. Relevant operators are currently trying to get customers to place more orders in the second half of the third quarter. It is expected that the supply and demand situation will slow down in the fourth quarter. At that time, some foundries may have the opportunity to lower their prices.

    In addition, it is worth noting that in addition to the planned price increase next year, it is reported that TSMC has informed some customers that it will change the payment terms. Originally, it adopted a 30 day monthly settlement system. For example, for goods delivered in June, they will be settled at the end of the month, and payment will be made before July 30. However, from January next year, payment must be made within 30 days after delivery. Assuming that goods delivered on June 1 will be paid before July 1. TSMC also declined to comment on this rumor.

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