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A fire broke out in Taiwan Bamboo Science Park, and four fabs responded

Time:2022-05-20 Views:2154
Source: World Wide Web

    According to Taiwan‘s "United Daily News", a fire broke out in Hsinchu Science Park at about 10 a.m. today (the 19th). A factory building in the park emitted thick smoke. The fire was very fierce. It was suspected that there was an explosion at the scene. Several fire engines went out for disaster relief, and there was a large-scale power failure in the park. Some engineers said that the instantaneous power failure led to shutdown warnings for many machines. At present, the detailed cause of the fire and whether there were casualties remain to be clarified.

                        Picture from Taiwan‘s "United News Network"

    TSMC, liandian and world advanced all said that due to the very short voltage drop time, the production line was not affected, and all production was normal at present.

    Li Jidian said that the machines equipped with non power off system will start immediately, but the machines not installed will be affected by the voltage drop of more than 80 milliseconds. The actual scrapped wafers are still under evaluation, but according to past experience, the impact is usually small, and it is believed that they should return to normal tomorrow

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