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It is said that Apple will significantly reduce iPhone and airpods orders, and Lixun precision and goer responded

Time:2022-03-30 Views:2231
Source: financial Associated Press

    On the 28th, market news said that due to the sluggish demand for consumer electronics products, Apple plans to reduce the production of iPhone Se and airpods: about 20% less iPhone se was produced in the second quarter, and the annual orders of airpods decreased by more than 10 million. In addition, the news also said that Apple asked suppliers to reduce the production of the entire iPhone 13 series by 2 million compared with the original plan, but said the adjustment was based on seasonal demand.

    It is understood that Lixun precision is the largest generation factory of airpods, and goer is the second largest generation factory of airpods.

    For the above reports, both companies responded on the 29th. "The company‘s acoustic wearable products have maintained stable cooperation with customers. At present, the orders have increased as expected and landed normally. There is no such situation. Please pay attention to screening the false information on the network," Lixun precision said

    People from the Securities Department of Goethe shares responded to the media, "our production and operation are all normal, and investors should pay attention to the rumors in the market."

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