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In 2021, the global shipment of automotive chips was 52.4 billion, with a year-on-year increase

Time:2022-02-23 Views:2258
    Recently, IC insights, a well-known research institution, released the latest automotive chip market analysis. According to the information provided by IC insights, the global shipment of automotive chips reached 52.4 billion in 2021. Compared with 2020, chip shipments in the global automotive industry increased by 30% in 2021, and the growth rate of automotive chip shipments is the highest so far, much higher than the 22% growth rate of global chip shipments last year.


    "Supply can not keep up with demand" was the main theme that plagued the global auto industry for a long time. But in fact, the view of IC insights shows that the real reason for the shortage of automotive chips is the surge in market demand for automotive chips in 2021, not the inability of semiconductor suppliers to increase production. In the short term, although the tight supply of automobile chips cannot be completely alleviated, by 2023, with the continuous release of automobile chip production capacity and the continuous improvement of market mechanism, the global automobile chip market may present a new situation of supply-demand balance.

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