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The top 10 OEM plants in the world in 2021 will remain stable by 2025

Time:2022-02-17 Views:2255
    According to the statistics of DIGITIMES research, TSMC‘s market share in the global OEM market in 2021 was 59.5%, almost completely dominating the 7 / 5nm segment. Samsung ranks second, with non storage business accounting for about one-third of TSMC‘s total revenue, while OEM business accounts for only 14.5% of TSMC‘s total revenue.

    The report shows that the top 10 generation factories in the world rank from high to low: TSMC, Samsung, liandian, grid core, SMIC international, Huahong, Li Jidian, tower, world advanced and Eastern high tech. except that the tower is exchanged with the world advanced ranking, the ranking of other manufacturers is the same as that in 2020, and the market share of the top five is close to 90%.

    The report further points out that the players ranked behind liandian basically do not pose a threat to the leader. In the context of geopolitical tension, the second tier OEM is not qualified to participate in the global competition of the top OEM. The industrial order and division of labor mode of the wafer foundry industry will remain quite stable from 2022 to 2025.

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