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Application communication: Positioning or timbre, which is more difficult to form a beautiful sound community with enthusiasts?

Time:2024-05-26 Views:114
    For the fever sound, positioning is the premise of forming a three-dimensional sense, and the key to the pairing of the right and left vocal channels. The national standard requires that the absolute value of the pairing error of the left and right channel frequency response characteristics should be in one minute
    A: One of them is objective technical work, the other is subjective artistic work. This refers to the pairing error, not to the tolerance of the frequency response characteristics. In practice this is just a physical task, similar to the dimensional error in machining machine parts.

Frequency response characteristics in the figure above
    As for timbre, there seems to be no standard or opinion in the world that can request or suggest timbre. This may be because the world is full of flowers, colorful, and various.
    Multiple harmonic distortion of frequency response characteristics is an objective parameter that is easy to observe and has influence on timbre.
     When enjoying some wonderful performances, you may not care about whether the actors are standing or sitting, in front of the stage, on the left, on the right, on and off the stage, but you may care more about how wonderful and graceful the sound is to appreciate, which is the timbres and characteristics of the sound.


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