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New audio technology will cause waves in karaoke apps in China

Time:2024-02-29 Views:269
    In Asia, especially in China, karaoke is very popular and is the main entertainment activity when gathering with friends. Going to karaoke for entertainment in groups of three or five, showcasing one‘s singing voice and having endless fun. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are pursuing KTV mobile apps, which allow karaoke enthusiasts to practice, record, and share songs on social media anytime, anywhere. However, for Android phone users, the performance of these applications has always been unsatisfactory. Fortunately, with the emergence of new audio chip technology, Android users will have a better user experience.
What is the market size of karaoke apps in China?
    The main KTV apps in China include Quanmin KGe, Sing Bar, and Teana KGe. Using an example, let‘s take a look at the large number of karaoke app users in China. The Sing Bar app alone has been downloaded 300 million times, with 70 million active users (more than the total population in the UK) and 4.5 to 5 million users online simultaneously. This is just an application. Tencent‘s "National K Song" is more popular. As of July 2016, Quanmin K-Song ranked eighth in China‘s app stores.
    In addition, users attach great importance to these KTVAPPs. Users can practice over and over again in practice mode until the final recording is completed, and share their songs with others through social network features. They can even record some songs or videos for others to perform a duet afterwards, and everyone can sing the same song no matter where they are.
    For Android users, the performance of the KTV app is not ideal because they cannot hear themselves singing while wearing headphones, which is the default mode of the KTV app. The 10 millisecond high latency on Android means that app providers cannot mix microphone signals onto the headphone path like on iOS, or at least do not produce any delay effects that affect the user experience. Removing headphones and using speakers can also be problematic as it produces "echoes". When the music played by the speaker is recorded by the phone‘s microphone and added to the original track, it will produce echoes, and the recorded audio effect will be severely distorted.
New audio technology reduces Android phone latency
    With the launch of new audio technologies by companies such as CirrusLogic, everything has changed. The audio algorithm in the Cirrus Logic codec adopts Cirrus Logic SoundClear karaoke technology, implementing an audio feedback path in Android phones, thereby reducing latency to below 3ms. In addition, the reverberation and atmosphere effects of the rooms around the user will also be added to the singing, creating a natural and authentic singing atmosphere, enhancing the KTV experience.
    In addition, when using the phone‘s speakers, Cirrus Logic‘s karaoke technology can eliminate unnecessary echoes. If the echoes are not eliminated, they will be coupled with the microphone and recorded together. This feature allows users to use the KTV app and sing with friends at home without headphones. Given the popularity and widespread use of KTV in the Chinese market, mobile phone manufacturers have also specially customized products for China. Various mobile phone OEM manufacturers, including some best-selling brands in China, have promoted this new feature as an advantage and differentiated feature of their phones, and the latest models of products have been shipped.


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