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Characteristics and advantages of BLDC motors

Time:2023-09-13 Views:700
1. BLDC motors have excellent performance and broad market prospects
    Electric motor, commonly known as a motor, is an electromagnetic mechanical device that utilizes the interaction between electricity and magnetism to achieve the conversion and transmission of electrical and mechanical energy. Electric motors are widely used in daily life and can generate driving torque as a power source for electrical appliances or various machinery, such as fans, hair dryers, drones, electric vehicles, etc., which can be driven and operated by electric motors
    The classification method of motors is complex. According to the presence or absence of brushes, they can be divided into brush motors and brushless motors. In a brush motor, the coil in the rotor is repelled by one magnetic pole and attracted by the other magnetic pole by applying current to the coil in the magnetic field. Under this effect, the coil continuously rotates, causing the current flowing in the opposite direction to the coil during the rotation process. The change in current direction needs to be achieved by changing the position of the brush
    In a BLDC brushless motor, the coil is located on the stator and the rotor is a permanent magnet. By changing the direction of the magnetic field generated by the surrounding coils, the rotor rotates and controls the direction and magnitude of the current flowing to the coil to control the rotation of the rotor. As there is no need to apply electricity to the rotor, there is no need for brushes. Compared with a brushless motor, BLDC motors have higher efficiency and control. During good operation, there is less noise and no spark generation, and the cost is relatively higher
    Compared with other motors, BLDC motors have the following characteristics
    1BLDC motors have higher motor efficiency than other traditional motors over a wider speed range
    2BLDC motors can choose various motor drive control methods such as square wave SVPWMFOC based on different application scenarios to achieve diverse control requirements
    The 3BLDC motor control uses a large number of parameters and is interrelated. The drive control algorithm is relatively complex compared to other types of motors, and its drive control algorithm is more difficult
    BLDC motors have the performance advantages of high reliability, low vibration, high efficiency, low noise, energy conservation, and consumption reduction, and can achieve fast response and high accuracy in a wide speed range. They fully meet the increasingly high requirements of terminal application fields for energy conservation and consumption reduction, intelligent control, and user experience. BLDC motors have a wide and expanding downstream application market, and are currently widely used in fields such as automotive electronics, white household appliances, wind turbines, electric vehicles, and electric tools
    The continued strong downstream demand for BLDC motors is constrained by their late start and high costs. Currently, the market penetration rate of BLDC motors is low. With the maturity of technology and the reduction of costs, BLDC motors will continue to replace traditional motors in the future. According to Grand View Research data, it is expected that the global market size of BLDC motors will increase from $15.36 billion in 2018 to $21 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 6.45%
    According to Frost&Sullivan‘s prediction, the average annual growth rate of China‘s BLDC motor market size is expected to reach 15% from 2018 to 2023.



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