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Charging principle of supercapacitor charging

Time:2023-02-12 Views:1341
Analysis of charging principle of supercapacitor
    What is super capacitor? The supercapacitor is a kind of battery with small internal resistance, which can realize fast charging and save electricity. It is a particularly convenient and fast product. Why is the super capacitor charging so fast? What is the principle? Let‘s take a look today. You can understand supercapacitors as batteries with small internal resistance.
    The charging of supercapacitors is very simple, as long as the peak voltage is not exceeded. As for the discharge of supercapacitors, the voltage is decreased, and the current is determined according to the load. Generally, the resistance of the back-end load is variable, not constant. If it is constant, the current is also decreased.
    Supercapacitor is a new type of energy storage device between traditional capacitor and rechargeable battery. It not only has the characteristics of rapid charging and discharging of capacitor, but also has the characteristics of energy storage of battery.
Charging principle of super capacitor
    Supercapacitor charging is a new type of device that stores energy through the interface layer formed between the electrode and the electrolyte. When the electrode is in contact with the electrolyte, due to the effect of coulomb force, intermolecular force and interatomic force, a stable double-layer charge with opposite sign appears at the solid-liquid interface, which is called the interface double-layer.
    The electric double-layer supercapacitor is regarded as two inactive porous plates suspended in the electrolyte, and the voltage is applied to the two plates. The potential added on the positive plate attracts the negative ions in the electrolyte, and the negative plate attracts the positive ions, thus forming a double-layer capacitor on the surface of the two electrodes. Electric double-layer capacitors can be divided into carbon electrode double-layer supercapacitors, metal oxide electrode supercapacitors and organic polymer electrode supercapacitors according to different electrode materials.
Supercapacitor charging
    After the capacitor is connected to the power supply, under the action of the electric field force, the free electrons of the capacitor plate connected to the positive pole of the power supply will move through the power supply to the plate connected to the negative pole of the power supply. The positive pole will be positively charged due to the loss of negative charge, and the negative pole will be negatively charged due to the gain of negative charge. The positive and negative plates will carry the same amount of charge, but the sign is opposite.
    The current is formed by the directional movement of charge. Due to the repulsive effect of the same charge, the current is the largest at the beginning and then gradually decreases. During the charge movement, the charge stored on the capacitor plate increases continuously. When the voltage UC between the two plates of the capacitor is equal to the power supply voltage U, the charge stops moving, the current I=0, the switch is closed, and the positive and negative plates of the capacitor are neutralized by the connection of the wire. When K is closed, the positive charge of capacitor C can be neutralized by moving to the negative electrode, and the negative charge of capacitor C can also be neutralized by moving to the positive electrode. The charge gradually decreases, indicating that the current decreases and the voltage gradually decreases to zero.


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