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Power grounding standard

Time:2023-01-25 Views:1373
general provisions
    The power supply and grounding of intelligent system equipment shall be safe and reliable, economical and reasonable, and technologically advanced.
Design elements
    The intelligent system equipment shall be classified and the corresponding power shall be configured according to the classification
    In order to meet the needs of future expansion, the power supply equipment room should have a margin.
    The quality of power supply shall comply with the provisions of the current relevant national specifications and the technical conditions for product use.
    According to the scale of the intelligent system, the distribution of equipment and the demand for power supply, UPS distributed power supply mode or UPS centralized power supply mode shall be adopted.
    The lines of power system and weak current system shall be laid separately.
    Total equipotential bonding shall be adopted, and the grounding of intelligent system equipment room, floor weak current room, floor power distribution room, etc. on each floor shall adopt local equipotential bonding. 
When the joint grounding body is used for the grounding electrode, the grounding resistance shall not be greater than 1 Ω; 
When a separate grounding body is used, the grounding resistance shall not be greater than 4 Ω.
    The power supply system of intelligent system equipment shall adopt overvoltage protection and other protective measures.
    Electromagnetic compatibility shall be considered in the selection of intelligent system equipment and electrical equipment as well as line laying.
Design criteria
Class A standards shall meet the following conditions:
    1. There shall be two independent power supplies, which shall be switched automatically at the end.
    2 Important equipment shall be equipped with UPS power supply device.
    3 The power quality shall meet the following requirements: 
    1) The steady-state voltage deviation is not more than ± 2%;
    2) The steady-state frequency deviation shall not be greater than ± 0.2 Hz;
    3) Voltage waveform distortion rate shall not be greater than 5%;
    4) The allowable power-off duration is 0~4ms.
When the above requirements cannot be met, measures such as frequency stabilization and uninterruptible power supply shall be taken.
    4 Important equipment shall be powered by radial special circuit, and other equipment can be powered by trunk or chain.
    5. Separate floor distribution room and floor weak current room shall be set for the power main line and weak current main line respectively. The size and horizontal outgoing line position of the distribution room and weak current room shall have allowance, and the floor should be 30mm higher than the floor.
    6. The main control room (main machine room) of the intelligent system shall be equipped with a special distribution box, and the distribution circuit of the special distribution box shall have a margin.
    7 Each floor or each tenant unit shall be equipped with a dedicated user distribution box, and the power line from the user distribution box shall be laid separately from the weak current line.
    8 The ground wiring can adopt elevated floor wiring or network floor wiring.
    9. The ceiling shall be laid in trunking or through pipes.
Power supply socket:
    Capacity: the office should be 60V· A/m2 or above;    
    Quantity: The office should be set at more than 20/100m2 (each socket should be calculated at 300V· A);
    Type: The socket must have a flat round hole multi-purpose socket with a grounding electrode.
Class B standard shall meet the following conditions: 
   1. There shall be two independent power supplies, which shall be switched automatically at the end.
   2 Important equipment can be equipped with UPS power supply device.
   3 The quality of power supply shall meet the following requirements:
    1) The steady-state voltage deviation is not more than ± 5%;
    2) The steady-state frequency deviation shall not be greater than ± 0.5Hz;
    3) Voltage waveform distortion rate shall not be greater than 8%; 
   4) The allowable power-off duration is 4~200ms.
When the above requirements cannot be met, measures such as frequency stabilization and uninterruptible power supply shall be taken.
    4 Important equipment shall be powered by radial special circuit, and other equipment can be powered by trunk or chain.
    5. Separate floor distribution room and floor weak current room shall be set for the power main line and weak current main line respectively. The size and horizontal outgoing line position of the distribution room and weak current room shall have allowance, and the floor should be 30mm higher than the floor.
    6. The main control room (main machine room) of the intelligent system shall be equipped with a special distribution box, and the distribution circuit of the special distribution box shall have a margin.
    7 Each floor or each tenant unit shall be equipped with a dedicated user distribution box, and the distribution circuit from the dedicated distribution box shall have a margin.
    8. The ground wiring can be laid by network floor, floor trunking, floor piping, etc.
    9. The trunking or pipe laying should be set in the ceiling.
    10 Power socket:
    Capacity: The office should be 45V· A/m2 or above;
    Quantity: The office should be set at more than 15/100m2 (each socket should be calculated at 300V· A);
    Type: The socket must have a flat round hole multi-purpose socket with a grounding electrode.
Grade C standard shall meet the following conditions:
    1 It should be powered by two power supplies and automatically switched at the end.
    2 Important equipment should be equipped with UPS power supply device.
    3. The quality of power supply shall meet the requirements of the product.
    4 Intelligent system equipment should be powered by special circuit.
    5. Separate floor distribution room and floor weak current room should be set for the power main line and weak current main line respectively. The size and horizontal outgoing line position of the distribution room and weak current room should have allowance, and its floor should be 30mm higher than the floor of this floor.
    6. The main control room (main machine room) of the intelligent system should be equipped with a special distribution box, and the distribution circuit of the special distribution box should have a margin.
    7 The user distribution box of each floor or each tenant unit shall be centrally set in the public space, and the distribution circuit from the user distribution box shall have margin.
    8 The ground wiring can be laid by floor trunking, floor piping, etc.
    9. A certain space shall be reserved in the ceiling for future wiring.
    10 Power socket:
    Capacity: the office should be 30V· A/m2 or above;
    quantity The office should be set with more than 10/100m2 (each socket should be calculated as 300V· A);
    Type: The socket must have a flat round hole multi-purpose socket with a grounding electrode.


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