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High efficiency digital audio power amplifier

Time:2023-01-06 Views:1425
    Now we can‘t do without the power amplifier. What does the power amplifier chip mean in detail? Power amplifier chip means a chip with power amplification effect. In simple terms, it is voltage or current amplification. Power amplifiers require a certain amount of lossless power, usually in the state of large signals. Therefore, power amplifier circuits usually cover special problems that do not exist in voltage or current amplification circuits.
    The details are as follows:
    ① The output power shall be as large as possible;
    ② Usually, things happen under the big signal state;
    ③ The nonlinear distortion is prominent;
    ④ Improving efficiency is the main focus;
    ⑤ For audio amplifier circuit, we should also pay attention to the above problems.
    The power amplifier chip seems to be the "heart" of multimedia playback equipment, the component that supplies power for the playback equipment, and also one of the main links related to the sound quality. Its importance is self-evident. So many beginners will be curious about how to select the right chip? What are the commonly used audio digital power amplifier chips? The following is a collection of the most commonly used audio power amplifier chips by Gongcai. com, as well as the introduction of power amplification, which is expected to be helpful to our audio.
    1. South Korea NF digital power amplifier chip - NTP8835; One of the most commonly used power amplifier chips, which supports mono, not only has the advantages of rich sound quality and high power, but also has a complete mask circuit. It belongs to the advanced model in the same type of chips, and has a mixer and dual quad filter, which can be used to achieve the basic audio signal processing penalty effect. It supports 4-ohm speakers, with an output efficiency of more than 85%, less than 1% distortion, higher than the signal to noise ratio of 95db, and no extra noise. It is a necessity for home theaters.
    2. Digital power amplifier chip - NTP8918; The main minimum operating voltage of the chip is 4.5V. RS DRC dynamic power control is useful to prevent sound breaking. Its internal design has a very perfect over consumption protection circuit. Its voice color is very sweet, sound quality is mellow, and it has the flavor of an electronic tube. It is suitable for playing music with soft power. 2 * 16 segment adjustable PEQ, with APEQ effect, can really improve the sound quality. It is often used on AI smart speakers.
    3. Digital power amplifier chip - NTP8928; It is widely used in the HI-FI field, such as TV sets, active speakers, etc. The design of the chip focuses on timbre, and has the advantages of bipolar signal processing penalty circuit and power MOS. The output efficiency of the 8-ohm loudspeaker is up to 90% or more. It has the characteristics of high voltage resistance, low noise, low distortion, and great affinity for reproducing voice color; Short circuit current and overheat shielding effect make its performance more perfect.
    With the continuous growth of devices, power amplifier technology will have a broader application prospect. More and more digital power amplifier chips are used in various products, which are closely related to our career. It can easily realize high fidelity, high efficiency and low-cost audio amplifiers, providing a complete end-to-end digital solution for the integration of digital audio sources, audio processing penalties and power amplification.


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