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What is noise? What is EMC? Noise damage is a modern disease of electronic society

Time:2022-09-20 Views:1746
    Computer communication error, sudden disconnection of mobile phone call... Have you had similar experience? There is a lot of noise around us. They will invade electronic equipment through various lines and cause faults. So, what is the real body of these invisible noises? This week brings you three popular science articles about electronic noise and EMC countermeasures, hoping to help you understand their basic knowledge.
What is noise?
    Noise generally refers to unwanted sound or information, especially in the field of electrical communication. Noise and picture disorder caused by radio interference belong to noise. If the electromagnetic wave leaked by electronic equipment is received by other electronic equipment, it will also produce noise.
    Noise is divided into natural noise and artificial noise. The sources of natural noise are thunder, air discharge, cosmic rays, etc. The source of artificial noise is electronic equipment. Electronic equipment can be divided into types that intentionally emit electromagnetic waves such as radio transmitters, types that leak electromagnetic energy from inside such as radios and televisions, and types that generate electromagnetic waves when electric cleaners and tools are used.
    The car radio will make noise at the railway crossing because there will be electric sparks between the pantograph and the electric wire of the train. When the electronic lighter is lit next to the radio antenna, you will hear a buzzing noise from the loudspeaker. This is because the discharge sparks generate noise radio waves. The same reason is why lightning discharges cause communication interference. The early radio equipment invented by Marconi used the energy generated by high-voltage discharge sparks to send the dots and lines of Morse code. Of course, there was no radio and television at that time, so no electronic equipment would be interfered, but now it will become a malignant radio hazard.
    The noise problem of electronic equipment cannot be easily solved. The difficulty of noise problem is that it is electromagnetic energy just like electrical signal. If the electromagnetic energy required by one system is not required by other systems, it will become noise, so electronic equipment must be accompanied by noise. They will cross space via power lines and signal lines, or become electromagnetic waves, causing electronic equipment failures and performance degradation.
EMC countermeasures can suppress both generated noise and intrusive noise
    With the rapid development of microelectronics and digital technology, circuit integration and signal high frequency and low current gradually advance, even if electronic equipment encounters weak noise, it will be affected. Noise interference can sometimes lead to vehicle control failure, industrial robot failure and other serious problems.
    Computers, game consoles, microwave ovens and other household electronic devices will also emit various noises themselves, affecting other devices. For medical devices and cardiac pacemakers, the radio waves emitted by mobile phones are also significant noises. The characteristic of noise problem is that the victim of noise interference will also become the perpetrator.
    Therefore, electronic equipment needs to have EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) countermeasures to prevent noise and EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility) countermeasures to prevent itself from being affected. This is called EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility). To put it simply, it is necessary to take measures to deal with the emission and immunity problems at the same time, that is, to deal with the generated noise and intrusive noise. The solution that takes both sides into account is called EMC.
TDK overall solution can solve the noise problem
    Noise interference can be said to be a chronic modern disease in the electronic society, and symptomatic therapy can not solve the problem at all. If you want to prevent illness, you need to pay attention to health care and hygiene and improve your resistance. The same is true for electronic equipment. There are four basic ways to deal with noise:
    (1) Shield (2) Reflection (3) Absorption (4) Bypass
    This is called the "four elements of EMC", and various EMC countermeasures are based on it.
    We need to take electromagnetic shielding measures in various areas and use various filters at the interface. In addition, appropriate EMC countermeasures shall be taken for the noise generated in the area. With the development of IoT, there are countless electronic devices connected to each other in the global network society. If the problem of noise is not solved, the foundation of the electronic society will collapse.
    In the stages of conception, design, trial production and mass production of electronic equipment, TDK‘s overall solution will provide strong noise countermeasure support according to the implementation requirements. The next tweet will explain the sources and types of noise and how to track invisible noise. If you are interested, please continue reading!

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