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World Advanced‘s revenue growth exceeded 20 in December, but revenue still declined by nearly 26 in 2023

Time:2024-02-16 Views:103
Source: Xinzhixun
    On January 9th, wafer foundry World Advanced announced its internally self settled performance for December 2023. The combined revenue for the month was approximately NT $3.51 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.59% and a month on month increase of 20.12%, indicating a rebound in demand for wafer foundry. However, the annual revenue for 2023 continued to decline by 25.96% year-on-year to NT $38.273 billion.
    The world‘s leading companies previously predicted that wafer shipments would decrease by about 8% to 10% quarterly, and the average selling price of products would decrease by 0% to 2% quarterly, with a gross profit margin between 22% and 24%.
    World Advanced Finance Minister Huang Huilan stated that due to overall economic weakness and slow recovery of terminal consumer demand, the supply chain will continue to adjust inventory and maintain a cautious and conservative ordering attitude. On the whole, thanks to the de localization of the supply chain, there are many opportunities in the bud for the world‘s advanced companies. Orders from American customers have started to be mass produced. The second wave is that customers from other regions, such as Chinese Mainland, have begun to deploy. New customers have also joined Japan. It is expected that the second and third quarters of 2024 will be quite beneficial to profitability, and will be fermented in succession.


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