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Seven departments issued documents to comprehensively layout future industries such as quantum information

Time:2024-03-11 Views:27
Source: Tiantian IC
    On January 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other seven departments jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Innovative Development of Future Industries (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions").
    The Opinion points out that by 2025, comprehensive development will be achieved in industries such as technological innovation, industrial cultivation, and security governance. Some areas will reach international advanced levels, and the scale of industries will steadily increase. Build a number of future industry incubators and pilot zones, break through 100 cutting-edge key core technologies, form 100 iconic products, create 100 leading enterprises, explore 100 typical application scenarios, formulate 100 key standards, cultivate 100 professional service institutions, and initially form a future industry development model that is in line with China‘s actual situation. By 2027, the comprehensive strength of future industries will significantly improve, and some areas will achieve global leadership. Significant breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies, a number of new technologies, products, formats, and models have been widely applied, key industries have achieved large-scale development, a number of ecological leading enterprises have been cultivated, a development pattern of coordinated linkage between future industries, advantageous industries, emerging industries, and traditional industries has been constructed, a long-term mechanism for sustainable development has been formed, and it has become an important source of future industries in the world.
    The Opinion proposes six key tasks: comprehensively layout future industries, accelerate technological innovation and industrialization, create iconic products, strengthen industrial entities, enrich application scenarios, and optimize industrial support systems. Among them, it is required to strengthen forward-looking planning and deployment in the comprehensive layout of future industries. Grasp the global trends in technological innovation and industrial development, with a focus on promoting the development of six major industries: future manufacturing, future information, future materials, future energy, future space, and future health. Building a future industry observatory, utilizing technologies such as artificial intelligence and advanced computing to accurately identify and cultivate high potential future industries; In creating iconic products, it is required to strengthen future high-end equipment. To meet the major strategic needs of the country and the needs of a better life for the people, we will accelerate the implementation of major technology and equipment research projects, break through high-end equipment products such as humanoid robots, quantum computers, ultra high speed trains, next-generation large aircraft, green intelligent ships, and unmanned boats, and use complete machines to drive the industrialization of new technologies, creating a globally leading high-end equipment system. Deepen the implementation of the industrial foundation reconstruction project, fill the gaps in basic components, basic components, basic materials, basic processes, and basic software, and consolidate the foundation of future industrial development.
    In addition, the Opinion proposes five safeguard measures, including (1) strengthening overall coordination. Under the leadership of the Central Committee of Science and Technology and in accordance with the requirements of the National Leading Group for Building a Strong Manufacturing Country, a work pattern of inter ministerial collaboration and central local collaboration has been formed. Guided by implementation opinions, special policy documents will be formulated around professional fields such as brain computer interfaces and quantum information, forming a comprehensive future industrial policy system. Play the role of industry associations and other social organizations, promote advanced typical cases, and create a good atmosphere for promoting future industrial development; (2) Increase financial support. Promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, increase investment in the National Fund for the Development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises, and implement the "Technology Industry Financial Integration" special project to drive more capital to invest in hard technology early and small. Improve financial and tax support policies, encourage policy banks and financial institutions to increase investment, guide local governments to establish future industrial special funds, explore the establishment of risk compensation special funds, optimize risk provision funds and other compensation measures.


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