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Domestic Chiplet interconnection protocol standard, inter chip interconnection communication protocol, to be implemented soon

Time:2024-02-03 Views:129
Source: Electronics and Packaging, China Electronics Science and Technology 58th Institute
    Recently, the Chiplet Interconnect Protocol (CIP) has been approved as a group standard by the Chinese Electronics Society, with standard number T/CIE 192-2023. It will be implemented on January 1, 2024.
    This standard is led by the 58th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, in collaboration with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the Intelligent Technology Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Zhejiang University, Jiangsu Weirui Supercomputing Technology Co., Ltd., and other units.
    The CIP standard specifies the communication mode and information transmission method between communication executors in chip interconnection systems, which can meet the interoperability requirements of chip interconnection using different protocols and interfaces. It provides a new solution for building multi chip systems using shelf chips and also provides guidance for the design, verification, packaging, testing, etc. of chips containing standard bus interfaces in the future.
    The term "chiplet" was first proposed by DARPA in the United States. Its essence is to integrate bare chips with standard interfaces and specific functions, and accumulate more resources per unit area through chiplet integration. It is an effective way to improve chip performance and integration.
    Xu Juyan, an academician of the CAE Member and honorary director of the 58th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, first translated "Chiplet" into "core particle" at the 2019 China Semiconductor Packaging Test Technology and Market Annual Conference, and at the same time gave a detailed interpretation of core particle technology and its application trend in the post Moore era, pointing out the direction for the development of the industry. Under the personal guidance of Academician Xu, the chip research team of the Pre Research Center of China Electronics Technology 58 Institute began researching chip technology and jointly completed the development of the Inter Chip Interconnection Communication Protocol with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the Intelligent Technology Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation.
    In the future, CETC Institute 58 will continue to collaborate with domestic advantageous units to deepen the standardization of chips and contribute to the ecological construction of chips in China.


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