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Focusing on "intelligent matter integration, AI carbon cable", Graffiti intelligence leads the industry innovation trend with generative AI

Time:2024-06-18 Views:43
Source: Graffiti Intelligence Author: Graffiti Intelligence
    On May 29, the 2024 TUYA Worldwide Developers Conference officially opened in Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen. Global cloud developer platform Doodle Intelligence (NYSE: TUYA, HKEX: 2391) joined hands with industry leaders to host a series of thematic forum events. Among them, the main forum is divided into the first half and the second half. The theme of the first half is "GenAI + IoT: Driving Smarter Spaces" (intelligent matter integration, AI carbon rope), which aims to integrate emerging technologies such as GenAI with smart devices to create a more low-carbon and intelligent life scene, so as to constitute a more sustainable future world for people.
2024 TUYA Worldwide Developers Conference (Shenzhen)
    TAM Cert Managing Director Zoltan Karaszi, Dr. Liu Yaxiao, Chief Technology Officer of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, Lin Kaixin, Climate and Environment Program Coordinator of the United Nations Global Compact Liaison Office in China, Chen Liaohan, Co-Chairman and President of Doodle Smart, Na Jingdan, Vice President and CMO of Doodle Smart Marketing and Strategic Cooperation, Deng Mengrou, Product Leader of Doodle Smart Developer Platform, Doodle Smart Yu Weiping, chief scientist of AI and head of AI Algorithm Research Center, attended the forum to discuss the innovative application and sustainable development of GenAI.
    Today, large models emerge, the singularity of artificial intelligence development accelerates, and all walks of life have ushered in a new wave of scientific and technological revolution. As a pioneer in the field of smart technology, Doodle is actively embracing GenAI, and gradually obtaining the results of smart device experience and AI space scenarios, rapidly promoting the development opportunities such as equipment intelligence, space intelligence and smart solutions, and providing customers and users with leading GenAI product value. In this main forum, Doodle elaborated and shared the latest technical achievements and practical experience, bringing new inspiration to developers and jointly promoting the progress of intelligent science and technology.
    At the beginning of the forum, Chen Liaohan, co-chairman and president of Graffiti Intelligence, delivered the opening speech. He said: "The industrial revolution triggered by technological innovation is reshaping the industry landscape and spawning new business opportunities. With the catalytic role of generative AI, innovative product experiences, application scenarios and business models are about to emerge. As an explorer and practitioner in the intelligent industry, Doodle will fully embrace cutting-edge technologies such as generative AI, and is committed to simplifying the research and development process for global developers, enhancing the level of product intelligence, and promoting the innovative application of AI technology in more industries. We will continue to provide developers around the world with a full range of intelligent solutions and solid developer platform support."
[Chen Liaohan, Co-Chairman and President of Crow Intelligence]
    Next, in recognition of TUYA GmbH‘s outstanding contribution in the field of data protection, Zoltan Karaszi, Managing Director of TAM Cert, presented TUYA GmbH with the Europrivacy GDPR certification. As the only data protection seal approved for use throughout the EU, it is approved by the European Data Protection Board in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. This certificate proves that the data processing activities certified by TUYA GmbH comply with the certification system set out in Article 42 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in all EU countries. TUYA GmbH is also the first company in the world to receive the Europrivacy GDPR certification since it came into force and is now the only data protection seal applicable to all EU countries.
    Subsequently, based on the in-depth exploration of Graffiti in the field of AI, Deng Mengrou, product director of Graffiti intelligent developer platform, delivered a speech on the theme of "AI navigation, Exploring a new future". Deng Mengrou said: "As an open and neutral cloud developer platform, Doodle has been committed to providing innovative solutions, software applications and intelligent products with low barriers for developers around the world. With the blessing of GenAI technology, our cloud developer platform has also ushered in a new iteration and upgrade, and launched developer AI assistant, AppAI whole-house intelligent model, AI consumer review insight, and AI agent development platform linked with smart devices, greatly improving product power. It will bring a smarter, more convenient and easier development experience to developers around the world."
【 Doodle Intelligent developer platform product manager Deng Mengrou 】
    For the large AI model, Yu Weiping, chief scientist of Graffiti intelligent AI and head of the AI Algorithm Research Center, has his own unique insights, and delivered a speech on the theme of "Emerging intelligence in the era and creating a large model of space". Yu Weiping said: "At present, the scene intelligence model is emerging and becoming a breakthrough for enterprises to integrate large models to achieve application innovation. Insight into this trend, this time, graffiti released its first AI large model - Cube AI, through the model capacity output, graffiti can help developers build building energy saving, life safety and other intelligent scenes. At the same time, thanks to the Doodle Cube Cloud product matrix, Doodle can also help global developers build a private intelligent management platform, efficiently solve the unified management of enterprise business layout, project schedule mismatch and other problems, and promote enterprises to achieve more flexible industry scenario applications."
[Yu Weiping, Chief Scientist of Doodle Intelligent AI and head of AI Algorithm Research Center]
    Dr. Liu Yaxiao, Chief Technology Officer of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, delivered a speech on the theme of "AI Empowerment: Opening a New Era of Intelligent Things". Dr. Liu Yaxiao said: "At present, GenAI technology is iterating at a high speed, and for enterprises, GenAI not only reduces the cost of AI innovation, but also greatly increases the imagination ceiling. The continuous integration of GenAI and IoT technology can also effectively enhance the intelligent experience of customers and the network capabilities of devices. It can be seen that using GenAI to promote application innovation will become a major trend in the future. Amazon Cloud Technology and Doodle will work together to help more enterprises‘ do ‘their own GenAI applications, accelerating into the new field of intelligent iot."
[Dr. Liu Yaxiao, Chief Technology Officer of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China]
    With the continuous iteration and upgrading of intelligent technologies such as AI, IoT, and cloud computing, social productivity has been greatly improved, and social benefits are equally important while focusing on economic benefits. Especially under the role of the "double carbon" goal, enterprises also need to stand on a more long-term and sustainable development plateau, jointly practice ESG, and constantly build a more intelligent, green and low-carbon business environment.
    Najingdan, Vice President and CMO of Marketing and Strategic partnerships, shared the path to global sustainability with developers around the world and called on more developers to become contributors to ESG practice. Najingdan said: "The core of ESG practice is the integration of social value and business value, and achieve mutual achievement of social value and business value in all aspects of enterprise operation. In order to promote more developers around the world to achieve sustainable development with low threshold, Doodle constantly updates and iterates cutting-edge technologies and solutions such as GenAI, so that intelligence is integrated into everything. In the future, Doodle will continue to stick to its original intention, deeply unite all participants in sustainable development, and work together to promote the faster arrival of a greener, low-carbon and intelligent world."
【 Doodle Smart Marketing and Strategic Cooperation Vice President and CMO Na Jingdan 】
    Lin Kaixin, Climate and Environment Program Coordinator of the United Nations Global Compact Liaison Office in China, said, "The Ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact cover the environment, human rights, labor and anti-corruption, and these principles have been expanded into sustainable development and ESG standards in different areas, including net zero actions and targets for businesses. On the 20th anniversary of the ESG concept, we call on more participants to harness the power of business for good, to continue innovative, inclusive and green actions, and to implement responsible business strategies."
[Lin Kaixin, Climate and Environment Program Coordinator, United Nations Global Compact Liaison Office in China]
    Forum site, Najingdan, Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Cooperation and CMO, also worked with Lin Kaixin, Coordinator of the Climate and Environment Program of the United Nations Global Compact Liaison Office in China, Wang Qian, Deputy Director of the New Energy and Low Carbon Development Research Center of China (Shenzhen), Zhao Zigao, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Energy Magazine, and Liu, General manager of capitaland Investment (China) Guangzhou Knowledge City Tengattong Park Xu Dong, Qin Tiangang, Director of Strategic Cooperation of Lenovo Group, Xie Weiwei, Vice president and General manager of New Energy Division of Bull Group, Li Jia, deputy general manager of Geely Vero Energy Storage Division, and Liu Yaxiao, Chief technology Officer of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, and other ESG governance colleagues jointly launched the far-reaching sustainable joint initiative ceremony. Through the holding of the ceremony, all parties have further strengthened the determination of green and low-carbon development, and will actively take actions to achieve the goal of sustainable development and zero carbon emissions.
【 Sustainable Joint Initiative Ceremony 】
    With the successful conclusion of the first half of the Doodle main Forum, Doodle demonstrated its innovative strength and far-reaching layout in the field of GenAI. Through a series of theme sharing, Doodle not only brings unprecedented intelligent ideas and practical experience to global developers, but also leads the industry towards a smarter, low-carbon and sustainable future with its unique intelligent solutions and products. In the face of the new era of AI, Doodle will continue to join hands with global developers in the future to explore the infinite possibilities of intelligent technology.

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