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Arm launches a new generation of Ethos-U AI accelerator and a new iot reference design platform to accelerate the development of edge AI.

Time:2024-04-22 Views:163
Source: Arm Author: Arm
News highlights:
    The new Arm Ethos-U85 NPU quadruple performance to support high performance edge AI applications such as factory automation and commercial or smart home cameras.
    The new Arm iot reference design platform Corstone-320 integrates leading-edge embedded IP and virtual hardware to accelerate the deployment of voice, audio and vision systems.
    A global ecosystem of more than 15 million developers based on the Arm computing platform simplifies the development process with extensive software support and tools to easily scale the deployment of edge AI.
    Arm Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: ARM, hereinafter referred to as "Arm") today announced the launch of Arm? Ethos? - The U85 neural network processor (NPU), Arm‘s highest performance and most energy efficient Ethos NPU to date, and the new iot reference design platform, Arm Corstone? -320 to accelerate the deployment of voice, audio and vision systems.
    Paul Williamson, senior vice president and general manager of the Internet of Things Group at Arm, said: "As the deployment of edge artificial intelligence (AI) continues to scale, chip innovators must contend with increasingly complex systems and software, surging AI performance requirements, and pressure to accelerate the process to market. At the same time, software developers need a more consistent, simplified development experience and easier integration with new AI frameworks and libraries. Arm‘s new technology addresses the growing need to accelerate edge AI deployments. From start-ups to the world‘s largest microcontroller vendors, everyone is looking to Arm technology as the platform of choice to build their cloud-to-edge AI solutions."
Arm Ethos-U85 NPU: Arm‘s new third generation NPU for edge AI
    Compared to the previous generation, Ethos-U85 has four times better performance and 20% better energy efficiency, while its MAC units can be expanded from 128 to 2048 (4 TOPs at 1GHz), It can support applications that require higher performance, such as factory automation and commercial or smart home cameras. Ethos-U85 provides the same consistent tool chain, so partners can leverage existing investments to achieve a seamless developer experience. More importantly, the new Ethos-U85 NPU supports AI frameworks such as TensorFlow Lite and PyTorch.
    Ethos-U85 supports Transformer architecture and convolutional neural networks (CNNS) to enable AI inference. The Transformer architecture will drive new applications, especially in vision-oriented and generative AI use cases, and is effective for tasks such as understanding video, filling in missing parts of an image, or analyzing data from multiple cameras for image classification and object detection.
    As microprocessors are deployed into more high-performance iot systems such as industrial machine vision, wearables and consumer robotics, Ethos-U85 is designed to work with Arm‘s leading Armv9 Cortex. -A cpus are designed in combination to accelerate the processing of machine learning (ML) tasks and provide energy-efficient edge reasoning capabilities for a wider range of higher performance devices.  
    To date, the Arm Ethos NPU family has more than 20 licensed partners, with Alif Semiconductor and Infineon being early adopters of the new Arm Etho-U85 NPU.
    Reza Kazerounian, co-founder and president of Alif Semiconductor, said: "ML workloads for a new generation of edge AI applications need to deliver high performance in an energy-efficient way. Alif is the first company in the industry to launch edge AI solutions based on Arm Cortex-M55 and Ethos-U55, and we are very excited and look forward to Arm‘s new AI technology, Ethos-U85 NPU. It will bring the computing performance needed for our next generation of Ensemble family microcontrollers and converged processors to enable future edge AI and vision use cases."
    Steve Tateosian, senior Vice President of Infineon‘s Industrial MCU, iot, Wireless and Computing business, said: "Edge AI use cases are becoming increasingly complex, and capturing the opportunities of the AI era requires secure, high-performance computing systems. We look forward to building on our long-standing partnership with Arm to make these complex systems possible with Arm Ethos-U85 and its Transformer architecture support for edge AI deployments."
Corstone-320: A new iot reference design platform that accelerates the deployment of voice, audio and vision systems
    The Arm Corstone-320 iot Reference Design platform integrates Arm‘s highest performance Cortex-M cpus - Cortex-M85, Mali? The C55 ISP and the new Ethos-U85 NPU provide the performance needed for a wide range of edge AI applications such as voice, audio and vision, such as real-time image classification and object recognition, or enabling voice assistants with natural language translation capabilities on smart speakers. The reference design platform covers software, tools, and support, including Arm virtual hardware. The platform‘s combination of hardware and software will enable developers to start software development before the physical chips are ready, accelerating product progress and reducing time to market for increasingly complex edge AI devices.
About Arm
    Arm technology is building the future of computing. Arm‘s low-power processor designs and software platforms are used in more than 280 billion chips for advanced computing, and Arm‘s technology securely powers electronic devices, from sensors to smartphones to supercomputing. Together with more than 1,000 technology partners, Arm makes artificial intelligence ubiquitous and underpins trust in the digital world, from chips to the cloud, in cybersecurity. The Arm architecture is the cornerstone of the future.


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