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The total investment is 33 billion yuan, and the core equipment of Xiamen Tianma Optoelectronics‘s 8.6th generation new display panel production line has been moved in

Time:2024-01-30 Views:404
Source: CINNO
    On December 28, 2023, Xiamen Tianma Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xiamen Tianma Optoelectronics") successfully moved the first core equipment of the 8.6th generation new display panel production line project (hereinafter referred to as "the project").
    Zhang Binna, Chief Economist of Xiamen Torch High tech Zone Management Committee, Wang Yongxin, Standing Committee Member and Deputy District Chief of Xiang‘an District Committee, Zhuang Cangxia, Secretary of Xiang‘an Customs Party Committee and Customs Chief, Zeng Tingyi, Deputy General Manager of Xiamen International Trade Holding Group and Chairman of Haiyi Group, Peng Xuhui, Chairman of Tianma Microelectronics and Xiamen Tianma Optoelectronics, Wang Lei, Executive Vice President of Tianma Microelectronics, Hou Dongquan, General Manager of Xiamen Tianma Optoelectronics, and Xiamen Jinyuan Group Leaders and representatives from Xiamen Rail Transit Group, equipment manufacturers, and participating units attended this event to witness this exciting moment together.
    Hou Dongquan, on behalf of all members of the project team, warmly welcomed the guests present and expressed sincere gratitude to the Xiamen government, shareholder units, partners, and friends from all walks of life for their strong support of the project. He reviewed the project construction process and mentioned that the relocation of the first core process equipment, the exposure machine, means that the project has officially entered a new stage of production capacity construction. Next, it will also face many challenges such as installation and debugging, product lighting, and ramp up mass production. Hou Dongquan is full of confidence in this, stating that all members of the project department will always maintain a rigorous and efficient work attitude, strictly manage safety, ensure quality, and strictly adhere to progress as always. He believes that with the joint efforts of everyone, the project will steadily progress and be achieved as scheduled, helping Tianma accelerate the strategic goal of becoming a leading enterprise in the global display field.
    Peng Xuhui, on behalf of the board of directors of Tianma Microelectronics and Xiamen Tianma Optoelectronics, expresses sincere gratitude to all parties who have provided strong support to the project, and extends sincere greetings to all frontline workers who are fighting hard. He mentioned that for the past forty years, Tianma has always adhered to deep cultivation in the field of display industry, followed the national strategic pace, and actively integrated into local economic development. With the strong support of party committees, governments, and shareholder units at all levels in Xiamen, Tianma‘s industrial scale in Xiamen continues to expand, and its industrial layout continues to improve. Xiamen has become Tianma‘s most important industrial base and innovation center in its global layout. The 8.6th generation new display panel production line project jointly built by Tianma and Xiamen is not only a major measure for Tianma to adapt to the development trend of "multi screen, high-definition, and large screen" new energy vehicle displays, as well as the diversification of IT display application scenarios and continuous upgrading of product specifications, to accelerate the achievement of global leading strategic goals, but also an important strategic deployment for Xiamen to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and comprehensively promote new industrialization. Peng Xuhui hopes that all participating personnel will not forget their original intention and fulfill their mission, continue to strengthen the construction of safe and civilized construction and project quality management system, and control the progress of various work with high standards and strict requirements to ensure that the project is achieved on schedule.


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