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The price of small-sized panels has dropped by 34 throughout the year

Time:2024-01-28 Views:369
Source: CINNO Research
    Market research firm CINNO Research pointed out that since December, the prices of mobile phone panels in various technology categories have shown a stable but rising trend. In the fourth quarter, prices remained stable, with a year-on-year decline of 15% to 34%.
    In 2023, after experiencing a continuous decline in the first half of the year, the price decline of small-sized panels converged and stabilized in the third quarter, while low-end products saw a slight increase in price. CINNO Research points out that as the market enters the off-season, it is expected that prices will remain stable in January 2024.
    CINNO Research stated that the a-Si panel has been declining for six consecutive months from January to June in 2023, with a cumulative decline of 24%. The decline in the second half of the year has gradually converged and stabilized, with a cumulative decline of about 34% for the whole year. Some low-priced product prices have experienced a long-awaited increase in the fourth quarter, and it is expected that as the end of the year approaches, the white label market heat will decrease and demand will begin to slow down.
    In 2023, after experiencing six consecutive months of price decline in the first half of the year, LTPS smart phone panels took the lead in stopping the decline in July and successfully increased prices on some low-priced products. Entering December, the situation of tight supply will continue and continue to show a stable but rising trend, with a cumulative decrease of about 15% throughout the year.
    In 2023, the price of rigid AMOLED panels has been declining for eight consecutive months since the beginning of the year, with a cumulative decline of 24%. Subsequently, the price decline gradually converged and stabilized. Driven by the continuous warming of demand, Samsung, the main panel supplier, has shown interest in raising prices and is expected to raise prices starting from 2024. Flexible AMOLED panels have also experienced eight consecutive months of price decline, with a cumulative decline of 33%. In the face of continuous supply shortages, flexible AMOLED panels experienced an overall price increase in the fourth quarter, and entering December, the overall price will continue to rise slightly.
    CINNO Research predicts that the overall price of a-Si/LTPS panels will remain stable with an upward trend in December, and the overall price of flexible AMOLED panels will continue to rise slightly. However, as the market enters the traditional off-season, it is expected that the prices of various technology categories of mobile phone panels will remain unchanged in January and February 2014, and the subsequent price trends will also be subject to changes in market demand.


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