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China prohibits the export of some rare earth IC technologies

Time:2024-01-07 Views:421
Source: Tiantian IC
     On December 21st, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology announced the "Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Export in China".
    The Ministry of Commerce pointed out that in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law of the People‘s Republic of China and the Regulations on the Administration of Technology Import and Export of the People‘s Republic of China, the "Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Exporting in China" is now announced, which will come into effect from the date of publication. The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology Announcement No. 38 of 2020 ("Adjustment Content of the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Exporting in China") will be abolished simultaneously. Technologies that belong to dual-use military and civilian use shall be included in export control management.
    On December 22nd, at a regular press conference hosted by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin, Bloomberg reporters asked: China recently announced the revision of the "Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Exporting", and many other technologies, especially rare earth and magnet technologies, will not be allowed to circulate overseas. What is your response to this?
    "I think what you are asking about is the matter of the relevant departments of the Chinese government announcing the" Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Exporting in China "," Wang Wenbin said, and the Chinese regulatory authorities have responded to this. ". The revision of China‘s Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Exporting is a specific measure and routine adjustment for China to adapt to changes in technological development and improve technology trade management. After revision, the directory has been compressed from 164 items to 134 items. China has always adhered to promoting reform and development through opening up. On the basis of safeguarding national economic security and development interests, we will create positive conditions for promoting international economic and trade cooperation.


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