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Gartner Announces Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024

Time:2023-10-20 Views:1996
    Gartner announced today the top 10 strategic technology trends that enterprise organizations need to explore in 2024. Bart Willemsen, Vice President of Research at Gartner, said, "Due to technological changes and socio-economic uncertainties, we must take bold action and strategically increase resilience, rather than taking temporary measures. IT leaders have a special position to develop strategic plans that help businesses maintain success through technological investment under these uncertainties and pressures
    Chris Howard, Vice President of Outstanding Research and Head of Research Team at Gartner, stated: IT leaders and other executives must evaluate the impact and benefits of strategic technological trends, but due to the accelerating pace of technological innovation, this is not an easy task. For example, generative AI and other types of AI, although they bring new opportunities and drive the development of several trends, in order to gain business value through long-term use of AI, it is necessary to adopt a rigorous approach to widely adopt AI and pay attention to risks
Key strategic trends for 2024 include:
    Demoralized Generative AI
    The integration of large-scale pre trained models, cloud computing, and open source is driving the popularization of generative artificial intelligence (AI), enabling these models to be used by global workers. By 2026, Gartner predicts that over 80% of enterprises will use APIs or models for generative AI, or deploy applications that support generative AI in production environments, compared to less than 5% in early 2023.
    Generative AI applications can allow enterprise users to access and use a large number of internal and external information sources, which means that the rapid adoption of generative AI will greatly promote the popularization of enterprise knowledge and skills. Large language models enable enterprises to connect employees with knowledge through rich semantic understanding and dialogue.
    AI Trust, Risk and Security Management
    The popularization of AI has made the demand for trust, risk, and security management (TRiSM) in AI more urgent and clear. In the absence of guardrails, AI models may quickly generate multiple negative effects that deviate from control, offsetting all positive performance and social benefits brought by AI. AI TRiSM provides tools for model operations (ModelOps), active data protection, AI specific security, model monitoring (including monitoring of data drift, model drift, and/or unexpected results), and third-party model and application input and output risk control.
    Gartner predicts that by 2026, companies adopting AI TRiSM control measures will improve decision-making accuracy by screening out up to 80% of erroneous and illegal information.
    AI Augmented Development
    AI enhanced development refers to the use of AI technologies such as generative AI and machine learning to assist software engineers in application design, coding, and testing. AI assisted software engineering improves the productivity of developers, enabling development teams to meet the growing demand for software in business operations. These development tools that integrate AI can reduce the time software engineers spend writing code, giving them more time to carry out more strategic activities, such as designing and combining attractive business applications.
    Intelligent Applications
    Gartner defines "intelligence" in intelligent applications as the learned adaptive ability to make appropriate responses autonomously. In many use cases, this intelligence is used to better enhance work or increase the level of automation of work. As a fundamental capability, intelligence in applications includes various AI based services such as machine learning, vector storage, and connecting data. Therefore, intelligent applications can provide a constantly adapting user experience.
    There is currently a clear demand for intelligent applications. In the 2023 Gartner CEO and Business Executive Survey, 26% of CEOs identified talent shortages as the most disruptive risk to corporate institutions. Attracting and retaining talent is the top priority for CEOs in terms of human resources, and AI is considered the technology that will have the greatest impact on their industry over the next three years.
    Augmented Connected Workforce
    Enhanced Connected Workforce (ACWF) is a strategy to optimize employee value. The demand to accelerate and expand the scale of talent has driven the development trend of ACWF. ACWF uses intelligent applications and workforce analysis to provide a daily environment and guidance that helps employees experience, benefit, and develop their own skills. At the same time, ACWF can also bring business results and positive impact to key stakeholders.
    By the end of 2027, 25% of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) will use the Enhanced Connected Workforce Program to reduce the time required for key positions by 50%.
    Continuous Threat Exposure Management
    Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is a pragmatic and systematic approach that enables enterprise organizations to continuously and uniformly evaluate the accessibility, exposure, and availability of digital and physical assets in enterprises. Adjusting the scope of CTEM assessment and repair based on threat vectors or business projects (rather than infrastructure components) not only reveals vulnerabilities, but also uncovers threats that cannot be repaired.
    Gartner predicts that by 2026, enterprise institutions that prioritize security investments under the CTEM program will reduce vulnerabilities by two-thirds.
    Machine Customers
    Machine customers (also known as "customer robots") are non human economic entities that can negotiate and purchase goods and services independently in exchange for rewards. By 2028, there will be 15 billion connected products with the potential to become customers, and this number will increase by billions in the coming years. By 2030, this growth trend will generate trillions of dollars in revenue, and its importance will eventually surpass the emergence of digital commerce. Strategically, consideration should be given to providing convenience and even creating opportunities for new customer robots for these algorithms and devices.
    Sustainable Technology
    Sustainable technology is a digital solution framework that aims to achieve environmental, social, and governance (ESG) outcomes that support long-term ecological balance and human rights. The use of technologies such as AI, cryptocurrencies, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing is raising concerns about energy consumption and environmental impacts. Therefore, improving efficiency, circularity, and sustainability when using IT has become even more important. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs‘ personal compensation will be linked to their impact on sustainable technology.
    Platform Engineering
    Platform engineering is a discipline that constructs and operates self-service internal development platforms. Each platform is a layer created and maintained by a dedicated product team that supports user needs by aligning with tools and processes. The goal of platform engineering is to optimize productivity and user experience, and accelerate the realization of business value.
    Industry Cloud Platforms
    Gartner predicts that by 2027, more than 70% of enterprises will use Industry Cloud Platforms (ICPs) to accelerate their business plans, compared to less than 15% in 2023. ICP integrates underlying SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS services into a complete set of products through composable functions, driving industry related business outcomes. These functions typically include industry data weaving, packaging business function libraries, combination tools, and other platform innovation functions. ICP is a cloud solution tailored for specific industries, which can further meet the needs of enterprise institutions.


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