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What changes will occur in China‘s integrated circuit design industry in 2023,What is the future direction,Authoritative report is about to be grandly released on ICCAD

Time:2023-10-12 Views:605
    Due to its unique "capacity inventory" attribute, semiconductors are a typical highly cyclical industry, with booms and busts alternating. The past three years have been a period of ups and downs for the global semiconductor industry. Starting from the second half of 2022, the global semiconductor market has remained sluggish due to the impact of rising global inflation and weak terminal demand. Different analysis institutions and industry associations have varying opinions on when the industry will recover, and the market performance of chip manufacturers in different application fields also varies. Faced with many uncertain factors, when will the cyclical downturn in the semiconductor industry end? What are the driving forces and prospects for promoting industrial growth in the future? What needs to be focused on while waiting for the industry to recover? It is an urgent concern for industry insiders.
    On November 10-11, the 2023 China Integrated Circuit Design Industry Conference and the Guangzhou Integrated Circuit Industry Innovation and Development Summit Forum (29th ICCAD Design Annual Conference) will be held at the Poly World Trade Expo in Guangzhou. Professor Wei Shaojun, Chairman of the Integrated Circuit Design Branch of the China Semiconductor Industry Association, will provide authoritative interpretation of the "Development Opportunities and Challenges of the IC Design Industry in 2023". TSMC, SMIC International, Anmou, Huada Jiutian, Cadence, Siemens EDA, Xinyuan, Hejian Industrial Software, Juxin, Guoweixin, Xinyaohui, Xinhuazhang, Gallon Electronics, Kuixin Technology, Silxin, Hejian, Huali, Moore Elite, Tower Semiconductor Industry leaders such as Ruichengxin Micro will also share future technological trends and innovation hotspots. Nearly 5000 industry elites gathered for communication.
    Since the earliest ICCAD (Integrated Circuit Computer Aided Design) association in 1995, the China Integrated Circuit Design Industry Annual Conference has played an important role in promoting industrial agglomeration, connecting industrial resources, and mastering industry trends. Every year, it attracts active participation from representative enterprises in various aspects of the EDA, IP, design, manufacturing, packaging, testing, equipment, materials and other industrial chains.
    At present, the detailed meeting schedule H5 has been officially released. Scan the QR code below to view it:
    From the currently determined topics, in addition to professional analysis of industry trends, RISC-V, Chiplet, 3DIC, AI, and automotive electronics are undoubtedly popular keywords this year.
    Whether it‘s how software and hardware full stack technology accelerates the construction of RISC-V ecosystem, how high-performance RISC-V CPUs perform for data center applications, whether AIGC and smart driving will become the first application scenarios for Chiplet, what are the industry opportunities for 3D SiP and FC-SiP, how AI designs AI chips, how edge AI chips deploy Transformer models, how advanced process nodes solve automotive chip testing challenges What are the prospects for the automotive application of silicon carbide devices and modules, the "small cut" focus technical issues such as packaging and testing trends and technological trends in new energy vehicles, or how to leverage innovation to continue growing from economic downturn, how to open up and create "cores", win-win future, and other "big cut" trend issues will be fully discussed at this ICCAD design annual meeting.
    In March 2022, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology released the "Guangzhou Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Development Action Plan (2022-2024)", which officially proposed to fully leverage the advantages of Guangzhou‘s large industrial application demand, strong economic strength, and rich talent accumulation, to help Guangdong Province build the "third pole" for the development of the national integrated circuit industry. This year‘s ICCAD Design Annual Conference will be held in Guangzhou for the first time, which will undoubtedly have a profound impact on further enhancing the influence and core competitiveness of the integrated circuit industry in Guangzhou, and promoting the innovative development of integrated circuits in China.


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