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Ningde Times Releases Shenxing Supercharged Battery, Fully Opening the Era of Supercharged New Energy Vehicles

Time:2023-10-05 Views:654
    Ningde Times has released the world‘s first 4C overcharged battery made of lithium iron phosphate material that can achieve large-scale production - the Shenxing overcharged battery, achieving an ultra fast charging speed of "charging for 10 minutes and a range of 400 kilometers", and reaching a range of over 700 kilometers, greatly alleviating user energy anxiety and fully opening the era of overcharging for new energy vehicles.

Ningde Times Shenxing Supercharged Battery: The world‘s first 4C rechargeable battery that uses lithium iron phosphate material and can achieve large-scale production
    With the continuous progress of battery technology, the comprehensive performance of batteries has been significantly improved. After gradually realizing the ultra long range of new energy vehicles, the anxiety of rapid energy replenishment has become the main reason hindering consumers from purchasing new energy vehicles. Ningde Times has always focused on the essence of electrochemistry, continuously innovating in materials, material systems, system structures, and other aspects, once again breaking through the performance boundary of lithium iron phosphate material systems, pioneering the achievement of ultra fast charging, long endurance, and high safety, and continuously leading the industry‘s technological innovation trend.
Redefining lithium iron phosphate batteries to significantly alleviate public energy anxiety
    Improving the speed of lithium ion removal: In terms of increasing the speed of the positive electrode, Shenxing Supercharged Battery adopts super electronic network positive electrode technology, fully nano sized lithium iron phosphate positive electrode material, and builds a super electronic network to reduce the resistance of lithium ion removal and make the charging signal respond quickly.
    Improving lithium-ion adhesion efficiency: In terms of innovation in negative electrode materials, Shenxing Supercharged Battery adopts the latest second-generation fast ion ring technology developed by Ningde Times to modify the graphite surface, increase lithium-ion insertion channels and shorten insertion distances, building a "high-speed road" for ion conduction. At the same time, the Shenxing overcharged battery uses a multi gradient layered electrode design, achieving a perfect balance between fast charging and battery life.
    Reduce lithium ion conduction resistance: In terms of electrolyte conduction, Ningde Times has developed a new ultra-high conductivity electrolyte formula, which effectively reduces the viscosity of the electrolyte and significantly improves its conductivity. In addition, Ningde Times also optimized ultra-thin SEI films to further reduce conduction resistance.
    Improving the liquid phase transfer rate of lithium ions: Ningde Era has also improved the high porosity and low tortuosity channels of the isolation membrane, thereby improving the liquid phase transfer rate of lithium ions.
Ningde Era Shenxing Supercharged Battery
From ultra fast charging to long endurance and high safety, comprehensively improving comprehensive performance
    While taking the lead in achieving 4C overcharging, the Shenxing overcharged battery also combines performance such as long range, full temperature range lightning fast charging, and high safety through structural innovation, intelligent algorithms, and other methods.
    With a range of over 700 kilometers: Based on CTP3.0, Ningde Times has innovatively proposed integrated group technology, achieving high integration and group efficiency, enabling the Shenxing overcharged battery to break through the performance limit of lithium iron phosphate and easily achieve a long range of over 700 kilometers.
    Low temperature fast charging at room temperature: At room temperature, the Shenxing overcharged battery can be charged to 80% SOC in 10 minutes. At the same time, Ningde Times adopts cell temperature control technology on the system platform, which can quickly heat up to the optimal working temperature range in low temperature environments. Even in a low temperature environment of -10 ℃, it can achieve charging up to 80% in 30 minutes, and zero to 100% acceleration without attenuation in low temperature power loss states.
    Safety first: The Shenxing overcharged battery uses improved electrolyte and is equipped with a high safety coating diaphragm, providing a "double safety" for battery safety. In addition, Ningde Times uses intelligent algorithms to control the global temperature field, creating a real-time fault detection system, overcoming many safety challenges brought by rapid energy replenishment, and ensuring the ultimate safety level of Shenxing overcharged batteries.
Ningde Era Shenxing Supercharged Battery
By the end of 2023, mass production will be achieved, fully ushering in the era of overcharging
    At the press conference, Wu Kai, Chief Scientist of Ningde Times, said, "The future of power battery technology needs to face both the forefront of the world and the main battlefield of the economy. Currently, users are shifting from pioneer users to mass users. We need to enable more people to use cutting-edge technology and enjoy the dividends of technological breakthroughs
Wu Kai, Chief Scientist of Ningde Times, gave an on-site speech
    Thanks to its ability in extreme manufacturing, Ningde Times currently has a rapid transformation chain from technology to products and then to commodities, thereby promoting the rapid mass production of Shenxing rechargeable batteries. According to Gao Huan, CTO of Ningde Times‘ domestic passenger car business unit, Shenxing is about to achieve mass production by the end of this year, and electric vehicles equipped with Shenxing rechargeable batteries will also be launched in the first quarter of next year.
On site speech by Gao Huan, CTO of Ningde Times‘ Domestic Passenger Vehicle Business Unit
    The emergence of Shenxing Supercharged Battery is another milestone in the development history of power battery technology, which will accelerate the process of comprehensive electrification. In the future, Ningde Era will continue to practice the concept of "technological equality", promote the inclusive application of cutting-edge technology, and make outstanding contributions to the new energy industry for humanity.


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