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Ames Osram‘s new intelligent RGB LED will define a new benchmark for dynamic lighting in automotive interiors

Time:2023-08-08 Views:759
    • OSIRE ® E3731i intelligent RGB LED can control hundreds of them simultaneously, demonstrating the beauty of dynamic colors and dynamic lighting effects in scenes;
    • OSIRE ® E3731i adopts a new open communication protocol that can connect and communicate with any microcontroller with SPI interface;
    • Every OSIRE ® E3731i is embedded with ICs, greatly reducing system costs and complexity, and assisting in more automotive dynamic atmosphere applications and innovative market new tracks in the future.
    The world‘s leading optical solution provider, Ames Osram (Swiss Stock Exchange: AMS), announced today that it has launched the latest solution - OSIRE - that makes it easier for hundreds of RGB LEDs in automotive interior lighting systems to achieve dynamic lighting ® E3731i.
    The latest OSIRE ® The E3731i RGB LED has a built-in driver and control IC, which enables efficient communication with microcontrollers through the SPI interface. At the same time, Ames Osram also serves as OSIRE ® The E3731i product provides an open communication protocol (OSP). With the help of OSP, the microcontroller is able to transmit information to each OSIRE ® E3731i sends commands and obtains status to achieve high-precision color calibration and temperature compensation. Any car, LED, lighting system, or microcontroller manufacturer can use OSP without authorization and for free.
OSIRE ® E3731i product image (Image: Ames Osram)
    Through OSIRE ® The E3731i and OSP protocols enable car manufacturers to create unique dynamic lighting effects inside their vehicles. Each control chain can connect up to 1000 LED lights in series, which can be controlled by just a microcontroller.
    Hermann Senninger, Senior Product Manager of Ames Osram, stated, "Dynamic lighting includes pulse effects, breathing effects, or fast color/brightness switching, which can enhance the overall value of the car whether used for decoration upgrades or functional implementation. OSIRE with open communication protocol ® E3731i provides a simple and efficient implementation solution for dynamic interior lighting systems, which reduces the number of components, simplifies system architecture, reduces wiring complexity, and ultimately achieves cost reduction and efficiency improvement. These advantages have been favored by many customers. We believe that this product will be widely used in mass production vehicles
Each LED has a built-in IC and intelligent functions
    The development of new intelligent LEDs combines the expertise and rich experience of Ames Osram in optical technology, integrated circuit (IC) design and manufacturing. OSIRE ® E3731i is a high-performance RGB LED that is packaged together with an IC. The IC consists of three LED drivers, a set of serial bus interfaces that support OSP, a temperature sensor, and an on-chip memory.
    We calibrate each OSIRE during the production phase ® The color brightness information of E3731i is stored in the LED embedded on-chip memory. Through these data, car manufacturers can more easily calibrate the interior lighting terminal, ensuring that every OSIRE in the entire hundreds of ambient light systems ® E3731i exhibits extremely high optical consistency and uniformity.
OSIRE ® E3731i application image (Image: Ames Osram)
About Ames Osram
    Ames Osram Group (Swiss Stock Exchange: AMS) is a global leader in optical solutions. We endow light with intelligence, inject passion into innovation, and enrich people‘s lives. This is the meaning of ‘sensing is life‘.
    We have a development history of over 110 years, guided by our imagination for future technology, combined with deep engineering expertise and strong global industrial production capacity, we have been deeply rooted in the field of sensing and optical technology for a long time, continuously promoting innovation. In the fields of automotive, consumer, industrial, and medical health, we are committed to providing customers with competitive solutions. In terms of health, safety, and convenience, we are committed to improving the quality of life and promoting green environmental protection.
    We have approximately 22000 employees worldwide, focusing on innovation in the fields of sensing, lighting, and visualization, making travel safer, medical diagnosis more accurate, and communication more convenient. We are committed to developing breakthrough application innovation technologies, and have currently granted and applied for over 15000 patents.
    The group‘s headquarters are located in Premstaetten/Graz, Austria, and the joint headquarters are located in Munich, Germany. In 2022, the group‘s total revenue exceeded 4.8 billion euros. AMS-OSRAM AG is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (ISIN: AT0000A18XM4).
    AMS is a registered trademark of AMS-OSRAM AG. In addition, many of our products and services are registered or archived trademarks of the Ames Osram Group. All other company or product names mentioned in this article may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.



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