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Roma‘s acquisition of Solar Frontier plans to increase silicon carbide production capacity by 35 times

Time:2023-07-20 Views:800
    Recently, Japan‘s leading power semiconductor manufacturer, Rom, announced that it has reached an agreement with Solar Frontier to acquire the company‘s former Guofu factory. According to Rom‘s disclosure, the acquired assets cover a total area of 400000 square meters, including factories and office areas, and will mainly be used for SiC capacity expansion. As the fourth silicon carbide wafer manufacturing plant in Rom, it is expected to begin operation by the end of next year. According to Rom‘s calculations, the base is expected to reach full production by fiscal year 2030, by which time the silicon carbide production capacity will reach 35 times that of fiscal year 2021.
    Rom stated that the market demand for power semiconductors and analog semiconductors is increasing, especially in the automotive and industrial equipment markets where electrification has become a major trend, and it is expected that the semiconductor market will further expand. In order to meet market demand, Rom plans to continue expanding production capacity with a focus on silicon carbide power semiconductors to ensure stable supply to the market.
    The general manager of the technology center of Rom Semiconductor (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Dejian Shuiyuan, once said, "Cost has always been one of the factors limiting the large-scale application of silicon carbide. To solve the cost problem, one is to improve the efficiency of inverters and reduce costs overall. The second is the scale effect, which improves price competitiveness through overproduction effect. Rom is starting from these two aspects to solve the cost problem of silicon carbide
    It is understood that Rom‘s current silicon carbide business has established a "one-stop" production system from silicon carbide substrates, epitaxy, wafers to packaging, and has been actively expanding its silicon carbide business. At the end of 2020, Rom built a new silicon carbide plant in the Rom Apollo Zhuhou Factory in Fukuoka Prefecture Prefecture, Japan. Mass production began in 2022, and the production line was switched from 6 inch wafers to 8 inch wafers. Rom plans to increase the production capacity of silicon carbide to over 6.5 times that of 2021 by 2025, striving to achieve a 30% share in the silicon carbide market by 2025.
    Rom also plans to increase the sales of its silicon carbide power semiconductor business to over 270 billion yen (approximately RMB 13.9 billion) in the 2027 fiscal year. To achieve this goal, Rom will invest 510 billion yen (approximately RMB 26.25 billion) in the 2021 to 2027 fiscal years.

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