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Chip packaging manufacturers will also benefit from increased demand for NVIDIA AI chips

Time:2023-06-07 Views:942
    The wave of generative artificial intelligence research and application triggered by ChatGPT has increased demand for Nvidia artificial intelligence chips, and they have become a clear stream in the environment of poor chip demand. As of April 30, the revenue for the first quarter of the 2023 fiscal year increased by 19% month on month, while the net profit under the US general accounting standards increased by 44% month on month.
    The demand for NVIDIA AI chips from relevant manufacturers is reflected in high-performance GPUs for data centers, mainly H100, A100, and H800 and A800 launched for the domestic market.
    Driven by increased demand, Nvidia has also increased its film production at TSMC. Sources also revealed last week that NVIDIA‘s new orders have boosted the capacity utilization of TSMC‘s 7/6nm and 5/4nm process families, which are nearing saturation.
    The increasing demand for NVIDIA high-performance GPUs will benefit not only TSMC, a wafer foundry, but also backend testing manufacturers.
    In the latest report, relevant media also mentioned that industry insiders have revealed that Nvidia‘s demand for artificial intelligence chips is promising, which is also beneficial for backend manufacturers. Relevant manufacturers are once again optimistic about their business prospects in 2023.
    The demand for NVIDIA high-performance GPUs in the development and application of generative artificial intelligence will continue for some time, and as more manufacturers join, the demand will also increase. When it was revealed last week that Nvidia had increased its orders at TSMC, industry insiders also mentioned that Nvidia‘s large number of orders for GPUs such as H100 and A100 at TSMC is expected to run through the entire year.


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