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Meta will launch the third round of layoffs! 6000 in total, with a total of 21000 layoffs

Time:2023-06-05 Views:945
Source: EETOP
    Meta, the parent company of Facebook, will launch a new round of layoffs. According to foreign media reports, Nick Clegg, president of Meta Global Affairs, announced that the third wave of layoffs is about to occur. This time, the main target is business departments, and the number of layoffs is expected to reach 6000.
    After laying off 11000 employees in November 2022, Meta subsequently announced layoffs and began a new round of layoffs in March this year. It had already laid off 4000 employees in the technical department in April, and now there is a third wave of layoffs that will lay off 6000 employees in the business department, totaling 21000 layoffs.
    Nick Clegg said that at present, Meta is in a period of great anxiety and uncertainty. Although he hopes to give some simple comfort to employees, he is more appreciative of employees who show resilience and professionalism due to uncertainty because he is in an uncertain period.
    Layoffs are part of Meta‘s CEO Mark Zuckerberg‘s plan to implement the "year of efficiency", which is a "transformational phase" in response to revenue decline and economic uncertainty. Despite Meta‘s financial difficulties, it is still advancing the construction of the universe and is building its own chips to run AI models.


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