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Assisting American manufacturing, Apple and Broadcom have reached billions of dollars in chip procurement agreements

Time:2023-05-28 Views:967
Source: Xinzhixun
    On May 24th, Apple announced a multi billion dollar procurement agreement with chip giant Broadcom on the 23rd local time. According to this agreement, Broadcom will develop and manufacture 5G RF components required by Apple in the United States.
     It is understood that the 5G wireless RF components developed by Broadcom will include FBAR filters and other wireless components.
    Apple stated that the transaction with Broadcom is part of the company‘s commitment to invest $430 billion in the United States in 2021, marking the latest stage of the partnership between the two companies. Botong has also announced the sale of $15 billion in wireless components to Apple in 2020.
    Apple pointed out that the transaction with Broadcom helps to invest in key automation projects and improve the skills of engineers and other technical personnel. Currently, we have helped Broadcom create over 1100 jobs at its FBAR filter manufacturing plant in Fort Collins, Colorado.
    Apple CEO Tim Cook stated in a press release that he is pleased to commit to using products made in the United States with originality, creativity, and innovative spirit.
    It is worth mentioning that TSMC is currently investing $40 billion in the construction of two advanced process wafer factories in Arizona, USA, with the 4nm wafer factory scheduled for mass production in 2024. And Apple has been TSMC‘s largest customer in recent years.
    Last December, Apple CEO Cook stated at the first batch of machine entry ceremony at TSMC‘s Arizona wafer factory that Apple would use chips produced by TSMC‘s Arizona wafer factory. He said, "The progress we have made in Apple‘s self-developed chips has changed our devices. As many of you know, we are collaborating with TSMC to manufacture chips that help drive our products worldwide. As TSMC‘s new foothold in the United States deepens, we look forward to expanding such cooperation in the coming years
    Cook stated that in the future, Apple chips found in most Apple products will be manufactured at the Arizona factory. Thank you to many people for working so hard, these chips can proudly be stamped ‘Made in America‘


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