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South Korea‘s 10-year blueprint for chip development ensures a "super gap" in storage and OEM

Time:2023-05-13 Views:991
Source: Global Semiconductor Observation Author: Bian Chun
    On Tuesday, South Korea released a 10-year blueprint for chip development, aimed at consolidating its leading position in the semiconductor industry in the increasingly fierce global competition.
    The South Korean Ministry of Science and Technology, Information and Communication (referred to as the Ministry of Science and Technology), in its roadmap for the future technology of semiconductors, has proposed the goal of achieving a super gap in semiconductor memory and wafer foundry over the next 10 years, and opening up new gaps in the field of system semiconductors.
    The Ministry of Science and Technology promises to support the semiconductor industry in producing faster, more energy-efficient, and larger capacity chips, in order to maintain its global leading position in already leading fields such as storage chips, and gain a competitive advantage in advanced logic chips.
    South Korea has the world‘s largest storage chip manufacturers Samsung and SK Hynix. Against the backdrop of countries vigorously developing their domestic semiconductor manufacturing industries, South Korea hopes to become a leader in the non storage chip industry and compete with competitors such as TSMC and Intel.
45 core technologies and three aspects of efforts
    This roadmap involves 45 core technologies, with the goal of developing new types of memory and next-generation components, artificial intelligence, sixth generation mobile communication technology (6G), core technologies for power and automotive semiconductor design, as well as core technologies for ultra-fine and cutting-edge packaging processes, aiming to master relevant technologies within 10 years.
    In terms of new components, we will focus on cultivating three emerging technologies: strong dielectric devices, magnetic devices and memristor, and then develop the next generation of memory devices.
    In terms of design, priority will be given to supporting new generation semiconductor design technologies such as artificial intelligence and 6G. The government will focus on supporting in car semiconductor technology from 2025 onwards to achieve future travel goals.
    In terms of technology, in order to enhance the competitiveness of foundry, we decided to develop technologies such as atomic layer deposition, heterogeneous integration, and three-dimensional (3D) packaging.
The chip market size is expected to double in the next decade
    The roadmap released on Tuesday is a refinement of the chip strategy announced by the South Korean government in April. At that time, the government stated that it would invest 563.5 billion Korean won (425 million US dollars) in the research and development of the chip industry to support talent cultivation, infrastructure construction, and technology development in the field.
    In addition, the South Korean Ministry of Science and Technology stated that the roadmap is also a "follow-up measure" of recent cooperation agreements with the United States and Japan in the fields of chips, displays, and batteries.
    South Korean Minister of Science, Lee Chung ho, stated that the government will conduct strategic research on future semiconductor technology policies and business directions based on the roadmap. The government will play an important role in supporting the long-term supply chain of the chip industry, from materials to design and manufacturing.
    Although the chip industry has reached a certain level of maturity, the South Korean Ministry of Science and Technology predicts that the market size will double in the next decade. According to the data of Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Commune, the global chip market value in 2022 will be 601.5 billion US dollars, four times that of 2002.


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