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Storage giant Meguiar refuses to lower prices again in May

Time:2023-05-05 Views:1000
Source: Tiantian IC
    The Taiwan, China Electronic Times reported that Meguiar recently informed dealers that DRAM and NAND Flash would no longer accept lower prices from May, meaning that Meguiar would no longer follow the price drop requirements. Meiguang declined to comment on this.
    The news points out that Meiguang has actively initiated production reduction measures from the fourth quarter of 2022. Although the inventory turnover days for the second fiscal quarter as of the end of February 2023 are still increasing, Meiguang‘s market quotation has gradually stabilized in the near future. In addition, downstream module practitioners have also heard rumors, with storage plants planning to push up prices starting from June, but the industry generally adopts a wait-and-see attitude.
    It is worth noting that Samsung has recently informed its distributors that it will no longer offer sales at prices lower than the current price in the future.
    The report points out that if terminal prices can maintain the upward trend and the signal of storage chip bottoming out is clear, the overall market is expected to slowly rise, but the market recovery in the second half of the year is still full of variables.


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