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Intel discontinues production of such chips! The product has been online for only one year!

Time:2023-04-27 Views:1033
Source: Mantianxin
    On April 19th, according to foreign media reports, Intel announced that it will stop producing its Bitcoin mining chip series, which has been launched for only one year.
    An Intel spokesperson said, "Due to prioritizing investment in the IDM 2.0 strategy, we have ended the production of Blockscale 1000 series ASICs (specific application integrated circuits), and we will continue to support Blockscale customers
    According to a document on Intel‘s website, orders will no longer be accepted after October 20th, and the final batch of products will be shipped no later than April 20th, 2024.
The product has been online for only one year
    Previously, there was a wave of cryptocurrency craze, with miners rushing to purchase gaming graphics cards leading to a significant shortage. Intel announced its entry into the Bitcoin mining field in 2022, launching the "Blockscale 1000 series" of mining specific ASIC chips. The first batch of customers for Blocksale chips included several blockchain technology companies, including Argo Blockchain, Block, Grid Infrastructure, and Hive Blockchain.
    Raja Koduri, Senior Vice President of Intel, once stated that the performance of Intel chips will be more than 1000 times higher than mainstream GPUs used for mining based on the SHA-256 algorithm.
    Raja Koduri also stated that Intel has created a custom computing group within its AXG graphics department to support Bitcoin ASICs and "other emerging technologies". However, it was reported that Intel had restructured AXG Group, and Raja Koduri also left the company shortly thereafter.
    Analysts have commented that Intel came too late in the mining chip field but left too early.
    Intel‘s initial entry into the Bitcoin mining chip market was not well timed, as the chip went public during a decline in Bitcoin valuation.
    In 2022, when the chip was launched, the Bitcoin market entered a cold winter period, which had a huge impact on miners. Many mining machines were forced to "shut down" due to the significant drop in virtual currency prices, and at the same time, chip companies such as Intel and NVIDIA saw a significant decline in sales; Although the overall encryption market prices have rebounded since the beginning of this year. But overall, the mining heat is still significantly lower than before.
Follow up on cost reduction plans
    In addition to the decline in popularity, Intel‘s retreat from the mining chip business is clearly a follow-up to the company‘s cost reduction plan.
    Last week, Intel scrapped the Data Center Solutions Division (DSG) of the server business and sold it to Shenda Computer in Taiwan, China. Previously, Intel announced that it would no longer invest in new products for its network switch business, end its Optane memory business, withdraw from the RISC-V Pathfinder program, and also reported a comprehensive exit from the 5G modem market.
    Analysts say it is currently unclear whether Intel will continue to reduce its extensive business, but it is clear that the company is committed to streamlining and improving the competitiveness of its core business. Nevertheless, Intel stated on Tuesday that it will continue to monitor market opportunities in the cryptocurrency sector.
    Recently, with the continuous decline in PC and server demand, Intel‘s performance has been impacted. Its latest financial report shows that revenue in the fourth quarter of 2022 decreased by 28% year-on-year to $14 billion, setting the lowest quarterly revenue level since 2016. Net profit decreased by 92% year-on-year to $400 million, far below market expectations.


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