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SIA: Global chip market fell 20 in February, semiconductor downturn expected to bottom out this year

Time:2023-04-13 Views:1059
Source: Tiantian IC
    According to eeNews, according to the latest data from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), due to the continued slowdown in the market, semiconductor sales in February decreased by 20% compared to the same period last year.
    The total sales in February 2023 were $39.7 billion, a decrease of 4% from $41.3 billion and a decrease of 20.7% from $50 billion in February 2022.
    The most severely hit is China, the main user of chips, with a year-on-year decrease of 34.2%, and the United States with a decrease of 14.8% compared to February last year. Monthly sales decreased in all regions: Europe (-0.3%), Japan (-0.3%), Asia Pacific/All Other (-3.6%), Americas (-5.3%), and China (-5.9%).
    However, with inventory decreasing and demand rebounding, analyst Future Horizons expects the market to hit bottom later this year.
    The semiconductor downturn will bottom out this year.
    SIA President and CEO John Neuffer said, "Global semiconductor sales continued to slow down in February, with a sixth consecutive month of year-on-year and month on month decline. Short term market cyclicality and macroeconomic headwinds have led to a cooling of sales, but due to the continuous growth of demand in a series of end markets, the medium to long-term prospects of the market remain bright


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