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Microsoft promotes 10000 layoffs plan! Cut down the entire ethical and social team in the AI department

Time:2023-03-19 Views:1115
Source: IT Home
    On March 14th, according to the latest report from foreign technology media Platform, Microsoft is advancing the 10000 layoff plan announced in January this year, sacking the entire ethics and society team in the artificial intelligence (AI) department.
    According to the report, Microsoft no longer sets up a dedicated team to ensure that AI principles are closely related to product design. Microsoft has stated that it will retain the Office of Responsible AI department responsible for formulating relevant rules for AI projects.
     In a subsequent statement, Microsoft emphasized that it would continue to invest in and develop responsible artificial intelligence. The translation of IT House is as follows:
     Microsoft is committed to developing AI products and experiences safely and responsibly, and achieves this goal through staffing, process orchestration, and partnerships.
     The Microsoft Office of Responsible AI team has expanded rapidly over the past six years, working with other Microsoft departments to promote the implementation of AI projects.
     Microsoft appreciates the contributions of existing ethical and social teams and continues to promote responsible AI development.


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