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SASAC: increase scientific and technological investment in key fields such as integrated circuits and industrial motherboards

Time:2023-02-25 Views:1227
Source: IT Home Author: Changhe
    On February 23rd, IT Home learned from the official website of the State Administration of Information Technology that at the press conference held this morning, Zhang Yuzhuo, director of the SASAC, said that central enterprises can use two words in terms of scientific and technological innovation, one is "brilliant achievements" and the other is "a long way to go".
    In terms of achievements, a large number of major scientific and technological achievements have been made in these areas in the past few years. First, the basic frontier has contributed a number of original achievements. These fields include manned space flight, thermonuclear fusion, Beidou navigation, deep-sea exploration, and the 500m aperture spherical radio telescope, which are all world-class original achievements. Second, inject scientific and technological impetus into the construction of a modern economic system. It is mainly to deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain, promote the industry to the middle and high end with key core technologies, and take the lead in the large-scale application of 5G communication. Last year‘s major progress included the offline of the high-speed maglev test sample vehicle with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour. In terms of high-end materials, the 48K large-tonnage carbon fiber production line with 10000 tons of carbon fiber was put into production, the C919 large aircraft was verified and delivered, and a batch of high-performance equipment was also provided to promote the transformation from manufacturing in China to creating in China. Third, it provides important support for maintaining China‘s scientific and technological security and energy security. Active deployment of "stuck neck" urgent technology in some strategic areas has filled a number of scientific and technological gaps, such as the demonstration project of high temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant, Deep-sea No.1 production and storage platform, and F-class 50MW heavy-duty gas turbine, which have achieved some significant results. Fourth, it provides a strong guarantee for the people to enjoy the latest scientific and technological achievements. We accelerated the research in seed industry, high-end medical equipment and other fields. In the fight against the COVID-19, we started from scratch, urgently developed masks, layering machines and other urgently needed equipment, and made every effort to develop and supply testing reagents, vaccines and other products. This is a brilliant achievement.
    At the same time, Zhang Yuzhuo also said that "there is a long way to go". "Compared with the advanced science and technology powers, there is still a certain gap in our science and technology. Central enterprises still have great potential in solving the" stuck neck "technical problems. Science and technology determines the future of enterprises, and also determines the future of enterprises. Facing the future, we will accurately grasp the strategic position of central enterprises in China‘s scientific and technological innovation overall situation, consolidate advantages, fill weaknesses, keep up with the forefront, and strengthen the main body of enterprise scientific and technological innovation And strive to build innovative state-owned enterprises. "
    Zhang Yuzhuo pointed out that there are mainly three aspects to focus on. First, new breakthroughs have been made in tackling key core technologies of "stuck neck". It includes creating the origin of original technology, promoting key core technology research with high quality, increasing scientific and technological investment in traditional manufacturing transformation and strategic emerging industries, as well as in key fields such as integrated circuits and industrial motherboards, and improving the ability of basic research and applied basic research. The second is to constantly achieve new breakthroughs in improving the input-output efficiency of scientific and technological research and development. Further optimize the investment structure, highlight scientific and technological output, scientific and technological achievements, scientific and technological transformation, and scientific and technological industry, build a results-oriented scientific and technological innovation work system, improve the transfer and transformation mechanism of achievements, accelerate the technological iteration and upgrading, and establish a more effective scientific and technological achievements revenue-sharing mechanism, so that scientific and technological achievements have a market and scientific researchers have a return. The third is to constantly achieve new breakthroughs in enhancing the effectiveness of the innovation system. Participate in national scientific and technological innovation decision-making in a wider and deeper extent, strengthen the traction of major projects, make good use of national laboratories, innovation consortiums and other platforms, support qualified enterprises to integrate and transform scientific research institutions and applied scientific research institutions, establish industrial research institutes, and lead the in-depth integration of industry, university and research.


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