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Fully cut off? About Huawei, American media disclosed

Time:2023-02-02 Views:1289
    Introduction: According to Reuters and British media reports, the US Department of S Affairs has informed many companies that "Huawei, a Chinese technology company, will no longer be issued a license to export US technology products". According to Bloomberg, some officials of the Baid government also advocated "prohibiting the sale of any products to China". It is noted that this is the latest US attack on Huawei.
    Just now, the Global Times reported that according to Bloomberg News, people familiar with the matter said that the US government is considering cutting off all links between US suppliers and Huawei in China, and prohibiting US suppliers including Intel and Qualcomm from providing any products to Huawei.
    According to the report, some American officials put forward this proposal to the Baid government. If this policy is passed, all American suppliers‘ applications for supply licenses to China will be rejected. People familiar with the matter said that this policy is still in the early stage of discussion and may be adopted in May, that is, the fourth anniversary of the United States adding Huawei to the "entity list".
Source: Bloomberg
    Reuters reported that three insiders said that the United States had stopped issuing supply licenses to American enterprises for export products to China, including items below 5G level, such as 4G, Wifi 6 and Wifi 7, artificial intelligence, and high-performance computing and cloud projects. A spokesman for the US Department of S Affairs only said that it would "continuously evaluate our policies and regulations", while Intel and Qualcomm declined to comment.
    According to the public data, in May 2019, the then US president, tlp, signed an executive order declaring that the country was in a state of emergency, allowing the United States to prohibit the entry of telecommunications equipment and services of so-called "foreign competitors" into the domestic market, and Huawei was on the list; In August 2019, the White House announced that the U.S. government departments were prohibited from purchasing Huawei‘s equipment and services; In March 2021, the Federal Communications Commission of the United States issued a list of so-called "communication equipment and service providers that pose an unacceptable risk to all of the country". Huawei, ZTE and other five Chinese science and technology enterprises were listed; In November 2022, the list was officially launched.
Source: Network
    But even so, China and the United States still have the most basic cooperation in the field of science and technology during this period. Advocating the "decoupling theory between China and the United States", such as tlp, did not stop the US Department of S Affairs from continuing to issue export licenses to Qualcomm, Intel and other companies, allowing these companies to provide Huawei with technical products unrelated to 5G. For example, Qualcomm was allowed to sell 4G smart phone chips to Huawei in 2020.
    Baid also continued this policy at the beginning of taking office. According to foreign media reports, Huawei‘s suppliers obtained a sales license worth 61 billion US dollars from April 2021 to November 2021.
    However, the new blockade policy of the United States against Huawei now covers more than 5G technology, including 4G products, Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 7, AI, high-performance computers, and cloud products.
    It is worth mentioning that today‘s latest news shows that the national security officials of the United States, the Netherlands and Japan concluded high-level negotiations at the White House and reached an agreement on limiting the export of some advanced chip manufacturing equipment to China, which will extend some export control measures taken by the United States in October 2022 to companies such as Asma in the Netherlands, Tokyo Electronics and Nikon in Japan. It is reported that due to its sensitivity, the three countries have not publicly announced the agreement, and the details are still unclear. American experts believe that Japan and the Netherlands need time to revise their laws and regulations to implement new restrictive measures, and relevant measures "may take months or even years to echo each other".


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