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Apple cut three product lines! Large domestic OEM plants in the supply chain are impacted

Time:2023-01-05 Views:1341
    Introduction: According to data, Foxconn‘s factory in Zhengzhou is the world‘s largest iPhone manufacturing base. After the COVID epidemic broke out in late October, there was a shortage of labor. Now it provides up to 14000 yuan of bonus to encourage employees and hopes employees can recommend more new employees. According to the latest news, the current shipment of Foxconn Zhengzhou Science and Technology Park has reached 90% of the original estimate, and the order is in good condition. From now to the months before and after the Lunar New Year, there will be a production peak. At present, the number of workers is stable at about 200000.
    Today, according to the Nikkei News, Apple notified its suppliers in Chinese Mainland to reduce production of AirPods, Apple Watch and MacBook components this quarter on the grounds of weak demand. It is believed that Apple cut down on three product lines, the supply chain agency Lixun suffered the most, and Quanta, Renbao, Jingyuan, Xinpu and other Taiwan factories were on alert.
    It is reported that this is the latest news of Apple cutting orders after the iPhone 14 series reported that Apple had reduced relevant orders due to poor sales of entry-level models. Some critics pointed out that iPhone, AirPods, Apple Watch and MacBook are the four most important hardware products of Apple at present. If all four product lines are faced with the risk of cutting orders, it highlights that the market situation of global consumer products is worse than expected.
Source: Network
    An Apple supplier told the Nikkei News that since the beginning of last quarter, Apple had announced that it would reduce orders for almost all production lines. One of the reasons was that the demand was not strong; In addition, the overall supply chain is still adjusting due to the change of epidemic prevention policy in Chinese Mainland.
    According to the report, the technology industry welcomed the lifting of the epidemic prevention mechanism in Chinese Mainland at the beginning, but now the epidemic situation fluctuates greatly. The director of a smartphone component manufacturer told Nikkei that the new epidemic was spreading very fast, and most businesses now find it meaningless to isolate employees.
    Industry insiders pointed out that among AirPods, Apple Watch and MacBook components, Taiwan, China factories play a relatively heavy role in MacBook components. At present, the main cooperative factories of AirPods and Apple Watch are all mainland enterprises.
    Among them, the vast majority of assembly orders for Apple Watch were won by Lixun; In terms of AirPods, it was previously operated by the main GoerAcoustics. A while ago, it was reported that Apple asked GoerAcoustics to suspend the supply and transfer the order to Lixun. Based on this, it was judged that this time Apple cut the order, and Lixun might need to adjust the capacity supply. Enterprises in Chinese Mainland suffered much more damage than those in Taiwan, China.
    In MacBook, Quanta is the largest assembly plant. Affected by inventory adjustment, Quanta‘s laptop shipment estimation quarter last quarter decreased by 15% to 20%, and this quarter entered the traditional slack season. It is expected that the shipment will continue to be revised. On the whole, the laptop shipment in 2023 will decline compared with last year, but still better than the industry average.
    Jingyuan is the main supplier of MacBook keyboard. The first quarter is the traditional off-season. In addition, the reduction of working days in the lunar calendar year interferes with the lack of labor in Chinese Mainland. It is generally expected that the overall revenue will decline from the fourth quarter of last year.
    Xinpu is one of the Macbook battery module suppliers. It was commented that Xinpu is currently mainly used for consumer IT, and the first quarter is the traditional off-season. Although Apple may reduce the supply chain orders, with Xinpu‘s efforts to develop non IT businesses in recent years, and with the gradual expansion of its revenue contribution, it is expected that Apple‘s order adjustment will have little impact on Xinpu‘s performance.
Source: Network
    Even so, despite the impact of declining demand and epidemic prevention policies, most enterprise managers are optimistic about the future.
    "Most of us believe that the surge of the epidemic will reach its peak in February, and may gradually return to normal from March," said the manager of a chip manufacturer. "We went through a very dark period in early December, when almost half of our team and suppliers suddenly infected with COVID-19, and perhaps less than 50% of them are still working... But now the situation is gradually improving."
    Jonah Cheng, chief investment officer of private equity firm J&J Investment, is also optimistic. Cheng said: "The electronic supply chain is still in the stage of digesting excess inventory, rather than starting to mass produce parts, but it is expected to reach the bottom in the first quarter of 2023. There will certainly be a lot of interference in the short term, but in the next few quarters,‘re opening ‘may well stimulate the economy and pave the way for recovery.


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