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Latest prediction! The sales of China‘s integrated circuit design industry increased by 16.5 year-on-year this year

Time:2022-12-29 Views:1368
    Introduction: A few days ago, Wei Shaojun, Chairman of the Integrated Circuit Design Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association, said at the "2022 Annual Conference of China‘s Integrated Circuit Design Industry and Xiamen Integrated Circuit Industry Innovation and Development Summit Forum" that although the growth rate of the number of Chinese design enterprises in 2022 has declined for the first time in recent years, China‘s integrated circuit design industry is still in a rapid growth stage. The industry wide sales in 2022 are expected to be 534.57 billion yuan, up 16.5% from 458.69 billion yuan in 2021.
    It is reported that at this forum, Professor Wei Shaojun, Chairman of the Integrated Circuit Design Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association, delivered a speech themed "Win a Bright Future with Continuous Innovation", describing the development status and problems of the domestic integrated circuit design industry.
    Professor Wei Shaojun said that in 2022, the development of China‘s integrated circuits will face both internal and external pressures. Global capacity constraints and the COVID-19 have had a huge impact on the integrated circuit industry, and the integrated circuit design industry cannot be isolated. In the first three quarters of 2022, the scale of the integrated circuit industry will be 790.3 billion yuan, down 8% year on year, with the manufacturing industry having the largest growth rate of 24.5%.
    In addition, despite the impact of global capacity constraints and the COVID-19, the growth rate of the number of design enterprises declined for the first time in recent years. But some time ago, the media hype about the large-scale bankruptcy of Chinese chip enterprises was not supported by statistical data. It is reported that Professor Wei Shaojun‘s statistics cover 3243 design enterprises, 433 more than 2810 last year, with a growth of 15.4%.
    From the perspective of design industry sales, the industry wide sales in 2022 are expected to be 534.57 billion yuan, an increase of 16.5% over 458.69 billion yuan in 2021, and the growth rate is 3.6 percentage points lower than 20.1% of the previous year. According to the average exchange rate of 1:6.8 between US dollars and RMB, the annual sales volume is about 78.74 billion US dollars, which is likely to continue to increase in the proportion of global IC product sales revenue.
Source: Integrated Circuit Design Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association
    According to the data, Wuhan, Chengdu, Wuxi, Chongqing, Hefei, Hangzhou, Jinan, Suzhou, Guangzhou and Changsha are the top ten cities in China‘s design industry. Professor Wei Shaojun‘s statistics on the IC design industry in major cities show that in 2022, except Dalian, Hong Kong and Fuzhou, the design industry in other cities will record positive growth. Wuhan ranked first, with an increase of 98.0%, and Chengdu ranked second, with an increase of 55.3%; The growth rate of design industry in all the top ten cities exceeded 30%.
    On the other hand, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi‘an and Suzhou are the top ten cities in the design industry. Among them, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen continue to hold the top three. The sales scale of the design industry in Wuxi and Hangzhou exceeds 50 billion yuan, and the industrial scale in other cities exceeds 10 billion yuan.
    Professor Wei Shaojun pointed out that the sum of the ten largest cities in the design industry reached 512.26 billion yuan, accounting for 88.2% of the whole industry, 6.1 percentage points lower than 94.3% in 2021. The threshold for entering the top 10 cities was raised to 12.2 billion yuan, an increase of 1.18 billion yuan over 2021.
    From the growth of enterprises with sales of more than 100 million yuan, it is estimated that 566 enterprises will have sales of more than 100 million yuan in 2022, 135 more than 413 in 2021, an increase of 37.0%. The total sales of these 566 enterprises with sales of more than 100 million yuan reached 494.06 billion yuan, an increase of 165.23 billion yuan over 328.83 billion yuan of the previous year, accounting for 85.1% of the total sales of the whole industry, and 13.4 percentage points higher than 71.7% of the previous year.
Source: Integrated Circuit Design Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association
    In view of the development status quo of the domestic integrated circuit design industry, Wei Shaojun believes that this year, China‘s integrated circuit design industry has still achieved a growth of 16.5% under the repeated epidemic situation. Although it has fallen back compared with the previous two years, it still remains at a high level, mainly because of the strong support of China‘s huge market. Secondly, the global core shortage has boosted the market and prices.
    It is reported that in 2022, China‘s integrated circuit design industry will present five characteristics. First, China‘s huge market size is the most powerful support for the integrated circuit design industry; Second, the global core shortage has boosted the integrated circuit market; Third, the development of leading enterprises has entered the bottleneck period; Fourth, the allocation of industrial resources is unreasonable; Fifth, talent shortage has become an important factor restricting development.
    Therefore, Wei Shaojun also put forward several suggestions: treat our external environment correctly; Make good use of both domestic and international cycles; Ensure supply chain security; Strengthening technological innovation; Make good use of China‘s big market.


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