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SA research: By 2025, global smartphone sales will return to the pre epidemic level

Time:2022-12-12 Views:1402
Source: Home of IT Author: Xiao Gongzi
     On December 7, it was reported that according to the Wireless Smart Phone Strategy (WSS) service research report of Strategy Analytics (TechInsights), under neutral circumstances, the global sales of smart phones in 2022 and 2023 will decrease by 9% and 5% year on year respectively. The report predicts that phones and smartphones will continue to decline in 2023 due to the evolution of the Ukrainian Russian war situation, the impact of the epidemic on the manufacturing industry, and the mixed consumer demand under the high global inflation rate and economic uncertainty. 2023 will hit the bottom of the past 10 years.
     The report predicts that all regions will show a downward trend in 2023. Assuming no major external interference, the smartphone market is expected to rebound from 2024. By 2025, the global smartphone market will return to the level before the epidemic. It will take five years for the industry to fully recover from the attack of epidemic situation and geo ZZ problem.
     By 2027, China, India and the United States will still be the top three smartphone markets. IT Home has learned that in 2022, the top ten countries/regions in the world with the largest smartphone sales will include China, India, the United States, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and Mexico.


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