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Bluetooth Technology Alliance targets at 6GHz band

Time:2022-11-20 Views:1525
Intermediate band spectrum expansion project will improve the performance of Bluetooth technology
     The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), an industry association responsible for the development of Bluetooth technology, today released a new specification development project to define the operation of low-power Bluetooth in the unauthorized medium frequency spectrum covering the 6GHz frequency band. Bluetooth technology is the most widely used wireless standard in the world, with an annual shipment of more than 5 billion devices. Bluetooth technology can be so popular and successful, its core reason is inseparable from the continuous cultivation of key areas, such as improving data throughput, reducing delay, improving positioning accuracy, etc. The new spectrum expansion project will help Bluetooth achieve continuous performance improvement in the future.
    Mark Powell, CEO of Bluetooth Technology Alliance, said: "In the past 20 years, Bluetooth technology has made our lives more efficient, safer, healthier, and more pleasant. In order to meet the growing demand of the wireless communication market, the Bluetooth Technology Alliance community is also continuously upgrading its technology. Expanding the frequency band to 6GHz will ensure that our community can continue to carry out necessary technical innovation, so as to pave the way for Bluetooth innovation in the next 20 years."
    Kevin Robinson, President and CEO of Wi Fi Alliance, said: "Allocating the unauthorized use of additional spectrum worldwide is crucial to ensure that wireless technology can continue to meet the growing demand for connectivity. Specifying 6GHz for unauthorized use creates valuable spectrum resources, and its ability to bring huge social and economic benefits is globally recognized. The Wi Fi Alliance looks forward to working with the Bluetooth Technology Alliance to ensure that we can coexist in this band for win-win results."
    All employees of Bluetooth Technology Alliance member companies are welcome to join the High Bands for Low Energy Subgroup in the Core Specification Working Group to participate in this work.


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