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The first "developer village" in China has landed in Dongguan Songshan Lake Science City: connecting enterprises relying on Huawei Cloud, Hongmeng and other technologies

Time:2022-11-14 Views:1539
    Source: IT Home Dongguan Published by Xiao Gongzi
    On November 10, it was announced in Dongguan that on the 2022 "Jointly Building Digital Intelligence Ecology" theme forum of Huawei Full Connectivity Conference, Dongguan Songshan Lake, Huawei Cloud and representatives of relevant enterprises jointly released the "Songshan Lake Developer Village", which means that the first "developer village" in China has landed in Dongguan Songshan Lake Science City.
    It is reported that the "Songshan Lake Developer Village", relying on Huawei Cloud, Hongmeng and other technologies, will connect enterprises and promote the deep integration of digital technology and Dongguan industry.
    It is reported that "Songshan Lake Developer Village" will rely on the characteristics of Dongguan‘s large manufacturing industry, complete industry categories, rich application scenarios, and strong demand for industrial digitalization, give full play to the regional agglomeration effect of Dawan District‘s comprehensive national science center pilot area (Songshan Lake Science City), and Huawei‘s more than 30 years of experience in ICT technology accumulation and digital transformation, to jointly build the "No. 1 Store" of the global developer innovation center.
    "Songshan Lake Developer Village" will provide developers with full life cycle services of "co training, co construction, co marketing, and co marketing" by creating an innovative service platform of technology co construction, talent co training, product co marketing, and business co marketing, so as to promote the competitiveness of enterprises and accelerate the digital industrialization development and digital transformation of traditional industries in Dongguan.
    "Songshan Lake Developer Village" will also aim at the new generation of information technology, consumer electronics, new energy and high-end equipment emerging industries and other fields, cultivate a number of benchmark enterprises for industrial digitalization in Songshan Lake, and form a cluster of industrial digitalized service-oriented enterprises and talents.


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