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TSMC‘s revenue in October was NT $210.27 billion, up sharply year-on-year

Time:2022-11-12 Views:1539
Source: Home of IT Author: Wang Miao
    On November 10, TSMC released its revenue report for October 2022 today. The consolidated revenue in October was about NT $210.266 billion (about NT $47.941 billion), an increase of 1.0% over the previous month and 56.3% over the same period last year.
    TSMC‘s cumulative revenue from January to October 2022 was about NT $1.85 trillion (about NT $421.8 billion), an increase of 44.0% over the same period last year.
    IT Home learned that in the third quarter of this year, TSMC‘s revenue was 20.23 billion US dollars (about 145.049 billion yuan), with a gross margin of 60.4% and a net operating margin of 50.6%. During the reporting period, TSMC‘s 5nm shipments accounted for 28% of the total wafer revenue; The shipping volume of 7nm accounts for 26%; 7nm and more advanced processes account for 54% of the total wafer revenue.
    The latest data from Strategy Analytics, a market research organization, shows that TSMC‘s share in the smartphone AP OEM market will reach a historical high of about 85% in 2022.


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