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Institution: 41 wafer plants will be built in the world from 2022 to 2025, with the largest increase in the United States

Time:2022-11-05 Views:1572
Source: Home of IT Author: Changhe
    On November 3, according to the report of Taiwan Economic Daily, institutional data shows that 41 wafer factories will be built in the world from 2022 to 2025, which is equivalent to the total number of 12 inch factories in Taiwan.
    Among them, TSMC, Samsung, Intel, Micron and Texas Instruments have invested heavily in the expansion of production in the United States. In the next three years, the total number of new wafer factories in the United States will be up to nine, including eight 12 inch factories and one 8 inch factory.
    Analysts pointed out that due to the growth of demand for semiconductor applications and geographical factors, the global trend of wafer factory expansion is expected to start building 41 new factories from 2022 to 2025, which will also generate more carbon footprints. The semiconductor industry must improve high power consumption, high carbon emissions and other issues.
    It is learned that, according to the SEMI report, from 2021 to 2025, the capacity of the global semiconductor manufacturer‘s 8-inch wafer factory is expected to increase by 20%. Among them, the production capacity of automobile and power semiconductor wafer plants will lead with a growth rate of 58%, followed by MEMS growth of 21%, OEM growth of 20%, and simulation growth of 14%.


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