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2023 China s smartphone market, Apple ranks first, Honor ranks second

Time:2024-03-01 Views:58
Source: Huaqiang Electronic Network Author: Xinzhixun
    On January 25, 2024, according to the latest data released by market research firm IDC, the total shipment volume of China‘s smartphone market in 2023 was about 271 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 5.0%, marking the lowest shipment volume in nearly 10 years.
    In terms of specific manufacturer rankings, Apple ranks first with a share of 17.3%; Honor closely followed with a market share of 17.1%; The third ranked OPPO has a market share of 16.7%; Vivo has a market share of 16.5%, ranking fourth; Xiaomi ranks fifth with a market share of 13.2%.
    From the year-on-year increase in shipment volume, vivo experienced the largest decline throughout the year, with a decrease of 15.5%. By comparison, Apple has only slightly decreased by 2.2%. It is worth noting that the market share of Other, which is not in the top five, has increased from 15.3% last year to 19.1%, and the shipment volume has increased by 19% year-on-year. Xinzhixun believes that Huawei should have contributed a considerable share of this. According to previous industry analysis, the shipment volume of Huawei smartphones may reach over 40 million units in 2023.
    IDC pointed out that OPPO can firmly occupy the top three domestic markets with a market share of 16.7%, demonstrating impressive brand resilience and product strength: the newly launched Find N3 series has helped OPPO reach a new high in market share above $800; In the vertical folding segment market, Find N3 Flip continues to sell well, helping OPPO reach the top spot in the vertical folding market share. The Reno series continues its consistent strong performance, helping OPPO rank first in the $400-600 market share. At the same time, its brand OnePlus experienced a counter trend growth, with a year-on-year increase of 200% in shipment volume.
    It is worth mentioning that the data also shows that the high-end smartphone market in China, which costs over $600, increased by 3.7 percentage points year-on-year in 2023; Below $200, there was a year-on-year increase of 5.2 percentage points.


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