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IDC: In the third quarter, the global PC shipments totaled 74.2 million units, down year-on-year

Time:2022-10-13 Views:1641
    According to the preliminary results of IDC‘s quarterly tracking of global personal computing devices, in the third quarter of 2022, the global PC shipments totaled 74.2 million, and the traditional PC market continued to decline. Demand cooling and supply imbalance led to a year-on-year contraction of 15.0%. However, as Windows 7 is about to stop supporting, the current PC shipment is mainly driven by commercial updates, which is still far higher than the pre epidemic level.
    Jitesh Ubrani, IDC Mobile and Consumer Device Tracking Research Manager, said: "Although the promotional activities of Apple and other companies helped to ease the downward trend and reduced the channel inventory in a few weeks, consumer demand remained sluggish. Supply also responded to the new low point of the market by reducing orders. Apple was the only exception, because they increased the supply in the third quarter to make up for the orders lost due to China‘s blockade in the second quarter."
    Linn Huang, Vice President of IDC Equipment and Display Research, added: "In addition to the shipment volume, we will also pay close attention to the average sales price (ASP) in this quarter Trend. The shortage in the past few years has greatly promoted the transfer of the product portfolio to the high-end market. With the increase of spare parts and logistics costs, ASP prices increased to $910 in the first quarter of 2022 after five consecutive quarters of increase, the highest level since 2004. However, as demand slows, promotional activities are fully launched and orders are cut, the upward trend of ASP will reverse in the second quarter of 2022. Another quarter of ASP decline indicates that the market is falling back. "


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