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The most expensive chip is 7700 yuan per piece! Exposure of Russian Defense Electronic Components Procurement List

Time:2022-10-02 Views:1668
    Guide: Recently, with the constantly changing situation in Russia and Ukraine and the surge in demand for weapons, the foreign media exposed a list of defense products procurement allegedly prepared by the Russian GF Ministry, including model, manufacturer, procurement quotation and other information. Obviously, Russian weapons still rely heavily on western electronic components. From the standpoint of Ukraine, they must be eager not to let Russians get these electronic components, but everything is not so simple.
    On September 30, the latest news showed that the Kremlin had formulated a procurement list of semiconductors, transformers, connectors, transistors and other components, most of which were manufactured by companies in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, China and Japan, as precision guided weapons in the Russian arsenal had been rapidly consumed.
Some chip models "extremely important" in the purchase list
Source: Network
    It is reported that in this list, hundreds of component models are divided into three levels - extremely important, important and average.
    Among the 25 models in the "extremely important" list, the vast majority of chips are made by American chip giants Marvell, Intel (Altera), Holt (aerospace chips), Microchip, Micron, Broadcom and Texas Instruments.
    In addition, it also includes a few models from IDT (acquired by Nisa, a Japanese company), Sepras (acquired by Infineon, a German company), the power module of American Vicor and the connector of American AirBorn. Some of these models are easy to find inventory, but some key main chips are in long-term out of stock.
    The editor noticed that the most expensive chip was the FPGA of Intel (Altera), with the model of 10M04DCF256I7G. The purchase price of each chip was as high as 66815.77 rubles or 1107 euros, which was nearly 7700 yuan. Before the chip shortage, its cost will be less than 20 euros.
    It is reported that due to the shortage of supply, Intel has increased the price of some of its FPGAs, including the MAX10 series to which this model belongs. See Intel‘s letter: increase the price of some FPGAs by up to 20%. At present, no spot inventory can be found in all major channels.
    In general, Russian weapons still rely heavily on Western electronic components. There was also news feedback before that, after studying the 27 Russian weapons seized by the Uzbek army, it was found that two-thirds of their micro electronic components were from American companies, and the total number even exceeded 450, which were from the United States, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany and Taiwan, while the proportion of American companies‘ products reached 70%! The products of American ADI and Texas Instruments are nearly a quarter of all western components!

Top 10 foreign suppliers of Russian chips
Source: Network
    By 2021, the top ten chip suppliers in Russia will be Infineon, Integra, Mitsubishi, Semikron, ABB, FUJI, Ampleon, Ansome, STF Semiconductor and Vishay. Most of the chips Russia buys from these non local enterprises are analog chips for automatic control of weapons. For many years, Russian military enterprises have been loyal users of the above ten suppliers.
    Obviously, from the standpoint of Ukraine, we must be very eager not to let Russians get the above-mentioned electronic components.
    Although, after the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, the U.S. exports to Russia of semiconductors, telecommunications equipment, lasers, avionics, maritime and other related technology and equipment fell by 85% over the same period in 2021. However, the chips and other components of a large number of civilian commodities are not export restricted items, so Russia can still easily purchase them.
    According to the data, by the end of May, more than 15000 batches of western electronic components had entered the Russian market. Although they were not military products themselves, Russia could make them effective substitute military supplies through heat resistance improvement and other means.

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