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In August, South Korea‘s DRAM export volume declined year on year and month on month

Time:2022-09-23 Views:1731
Source: TechWeb
    On September 20, it was reported by foreign media that the South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy had previously released information that, due to the global economic slowdown, reduced demand and prices, South Korea‘s semiconductor exports fell to 10.78 billion US dollars in August, a year-on-year decline of 7.8%.
    Among the semiconductor products exported from South Korea, memory chips account for a considerable proportion. The decline in the export volume of semiconductor products, to a large extent, means that the export volume of memory chips has declined.
    The latest report of relevant media also shows that DRAM, which accounts for nearly half of South Korea‘s memory chip exports, saw an obvious decline in August, with a year-on-year decline of 24.7% and a month on month decline of 7%.
    The massive export of Korean memory chips is due to Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, which account for nearly two-thirds of the global memory chip market. In DRAM, the shares of these two companies are also about two-thirds.
    According to the data released by the research institute, in the first quarter of this year, Samsung Electronics‘ share in the global DRAM market reached 42.7%. Although SK Hynix‘s share declined month on month, it was still 27.1%, and the share of the two companies was close to 70%.
    In August, the export volume of DRAM from South Korea declined, which means that the export volume of DRAM products from Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix will decline, which will also affect their revenue.

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