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IDC: global PC and tablet shipments will further decline in 2022 and 2023

Time:2022-09-04 Views:1775
Source: it home
    On September 2, according to the latest global quarterly forecast report of personal computing devices by International Data Corporation (IDC), the PC and tablet market is about to usher in a turbulent period.
    IDC predicts that in 2022, the global shipment of traditional PCs will drop by 12.8% to 305.3 million units, while the shipment of tablet computers will drop by 6.8% to 156.8 million units. Inflation, global economic weakness and the surge in purchases in the past two years are the main reasons for the decline in shipments in the next two years.
     IDC pointed out that due to the slowdown of consumer demand, coupled with the fact that the demand for education has been basically met, the macroeconomic situation has deteriorated, and the demand of enterprises has been squeezed out. It is expected that it will shrink further in 2023. The combined market of personal computers and tablets is expected to decline by 2.6% in 2023, and then resume growth in 2024.
    It house learned that jitesh ubrani, research manager of IDC mobility and consumer device trackers, said that "although demand is slowing down, the outlook for shipment is still higher than that before the epidemic."
    "With the acceleration of economic headwinds, we expect that the deterioration of consumer sentiment will lead to further contraction of the consumer market in the next six quarters," added Linn Huang, vice president of device and display research, "Before the next major update cycle, the timely economic recovery may drive some of the growth in the external years we forecast. Although sales will not reach the peak of the epidemic, we expect the consumer market to move towards a higher end market."

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